Countdown To Production Unit Showcase 7 Day(S)

[douglas adams]Maybe we should calculate it inside a restaurant[/douglas adams]

The Bistromathic Drive is used in Slartibartfast's craft Starship Bistromath and works by exploiting the irrational mathematics that apply to numbers on a waiter's bill pad and groups of people in restaurants. Life, the Universe and Everything describes bistromathics as follows:
“ Bistromathics itself is simply a revolutionary new way of understanding the behaviour of numbers. Just as Albert Einstein's general relativity theory observed that space was not an absolute but depended on the observer's movement in time, and that time was not an absolute, but depended on the observer's movement in space, so it is now realized that numbers are not absolute, but depend on the observer's movement in restaurants. ”

Further explanation of the theory behind bistromathics:
“ The first nonabsolute number is the number of people for whom the table is reserved. This will vary during the course of the first three telephone calls to the restaurant, and then bear no apparent relation to the number of people who actually turn up, or the number of people who subsequently join them after the show/match/party/gig, or to the number of people who leave when they see who else has shown up.

The second nonabsolute number is the given time of arrival, which is now known to be one of those most bizarre mathematical concepts, a recipriversexcluson, a number whose existence can only be defined as being anything other than itself. In other words, the given time of arrival is the one moment of time at which it is impossible that any member of the party will arrive. Recipriversexclusons now play a vital part in many branches of mathematics, including statistics and accountancy, and also form the basic equations used to engineer the Somebody Else's Problem field.

The third and most mysterious piece of nonabsoluteness of all lies in the relationship between the number of items on the bill, the cost of each item, the number of people at the table and what they are each prepared to pay for. (The number of people who have actually brought any money is only a sub-phenomenon in this field.)
craigix said:
I or Michael will be posting a much more accurate schedule soon.

The units will be shipping as they are completed, with the last board due to be completed at the end of Nov.

All units being shipped in time for Christmas is the goal.

No f*in shit, ED was right from the start. December it is!
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Regarding the PCB population, have all the parts, ICs, jacks, etc, already been obtained and are waiting at the populator plant, or is there a supply or delivery risk?
I swear I remember it being mentioned that all parts are now there.
The mfk factor no longer refers to deliveries going via Turky, but to any and all issues that may crop up.
Although MW gave a couple day's extra for the sample cases, he still forgot to times it by mfk.
our collective karma must be leaning twoards the bad side, why don't we all take a minute out of our days to pay it forward.
Monk said:
craigix said:
All units being shipped in time for Christmas is the goal.

That's nice. However, wasn't that the goal last year as well?

Out of interest, is it the PCB manufacturer that is the same as the Beagleboard, or the PCB populator? (or both?). It doesn't seem ENTIRELY clear from your post IMHO.
Recycling at its best. I guess the Devs would appreciate the re-usability of this post most. [sort of coding joke]
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may88 said:
Recycling at its best. I guess the Devs would appreciate the re-usability of this post most. [sort of coding joke]

Heh - if anything needed to be a library call, it's be explanations of why the release is two months away, that there's just a few days delay now, or that a Chinese holiday is going to cause a delay of about a week. just to save typing or, mor elikely, cut-n-paste operations ;)
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I need someone to clarify something for me. When they say they need 3 extra days to finish the moulds, does this mean that the sample cases will arrive to the OP team 3 days after the original estimate (next Wednesday). Or by 3 days do they actually mean a 10 day delay, meaning that they might ship the cases next Wednesday and we will need to wait a week on top of that for shipping.
Yea, but it's really the people who was chomping at the bit well before the preorders when news of this first leaked out that I'm amazed at. Yea, I've been reading the nostalgia thread, from the start and I'll probably read it to the end lol.
Maybe if we all will it into existence at the same time, mind over matter will make it pop into MWestons hands :lol:

I think I have to change my delivery address (and that's dependent on when in December), and not to sure about the official case now..... Sigh......
MDave said:
Those that have still kept their pre-order intact since pre-ordering went live back in September last year ... we've got some real patience :P
Yep ;] Actually all this waiting has helped me improve myself; I realized how impatient & anxious I can be & how dwelling on it doesn't do anything but make it worse. Lesson learned, thanks Pandora Team! =D

kuru said:
Patience? More like divine equilibrium.
i dunno why, but that phrase struck a chord, well said ;]
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Monk said:
craigix said:
All units being shipped in time for Christmas is the goal.

That's nice. However, wasn't that the goal last year as well?

Out of interest, is it the PCB manufacturer that is the same as the Beagleboard, or the PCB populator? (or both?). It doesn't seem ENTIRELY clear from your post IMHO.
So what ? Why care about this info exactly ? As a customer, you want your product, and you have an insurance for it, the internal of the business to produce it is not your business. Sorry Monk, but since you took a bite a few months ago on this forum and didn't like it, I find your posts more bitter than anything else.
Why not be a bit more appreciative of the more open and clearer news / answers craigix has been given us these last few months ?
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Since my B-day has ended 5 minutes ago, I've just got back to the forums.


What I've learned since the beginning of this project is that there is always going to be people who want x and y but no matter how much you try you can't please them, when something slips up and you tell them why, they complain about the clarity of the message, glad I didn't spear head this project. when you somebodies money they expect x y and z when the cost of there purchase only covers 10% of x, leaving y and z to pay for out of pocket. Lighten up, we made mistakes, said the wrong things to each other, It takes a strong person to forgive someones missteps, if you nitpick everything, you aren't doing anything but showing how low your self esteem is.