Beta Appstore Testing (Again)

A horizontal scroll bar instead of a drop down box would be nice as that means less clicks with the stylus.
craigix said:
So you would select a % out of 100.

I would go for a "thumbs up/thumbs down" system (like the current one on YouTube), as rating system with too many possible selections is mostly contra-productive. Most people will usually select a very high value (if they like it) or a very low value, in the 5-star system 2 and 3 stars don't get selected very often contrary to 5 or 1 stars.
A percentage system will only make things worse.
When you only have two possible selections, it's easy for a user to make up his mind (do I like it or not) and vote. A more complex system will mostly scare away users as they don't exactly know what to choose (it's like when you are in a candy store and the assortment is that big you don't know what to choose).

You might be able to get a more detailed rating with a percentage- or star-based-system, but usually that's not needed anyway (That's what the user reviews or external reviews are for).
A simple X out of Y people like this will be enough for people to decide whether to download an app.

foxblock out
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Craig's percent system is fine, do we really need a debate about it?
Clicking on the "Showing Pandora" image gives you this:

Not Found
The requested URL /toprated.shtml was not found on this server.
Mithrildor said:
I like a percentage system displayed by stars. Like quarter of a star, half a star 20% of a star

speaking as the graphicteer i say hell no :p
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You could have a 10 stars system. 5 gold stars preceeded by five brown stars. If you want to convey that something is totally shite you'd vote it a whole 5 brown stars.
Mithrildor said:
Trevsweb said:
Mithrildor said:
I like a percentage system displayed by stars. Like quarter of a star, half a star 20% of a star

speaking as the graphicteer i say hell no :p

Ive seen this on xbox live

lol pay me xbox live graphicteer wage and ill make 1% stars
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Trevsweb said:
Mithrildor said:
Trevsweb said:
Mithrildor said:
I like a percentage system displayed by stars. Like quarter of a star, half a star 20% of a star

speaking as the graphicteer i say hell no :p

Ive seen this on xbox live

lol pay me xbox live graphicteer wage and ill make 1% stars
You can just use two images: one of a filled star and one of an empty star. You can then do:

<div style="background-image: url(empty-star.png); width: 16px; height: 16px;">
  <div style="background-image: url(full-star.png); width: 41.278739879%; height: 100%;"></div>

Voilà, arbitrary precision star filling. You'd put most of the stuff in the style attributes above in an external css file of course (all except the width) and depending on the rest of the page, you might not wanna use "div"'s but I think I got my point across at least.

You can of course also use a jQuery star widget, like I do for my Box webapp.
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TitanUranus said:
If you want to convey that something is totally shite you'd vote it a whole 5 brown stars.
Is that how you plan to repay those who give you free apps they make in their spare time?
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Alex. said:
TitanUranus said:
If you want to convey that something is totally shite you'd vote it a whole 5 brown stars.
Is that how you plan to repay those who give you free apps they make in their spare time?

There might be a certain amount of inverse pride and kudos in gaining a full set of brown stars, whereas recieveing a bog standard single gold star might just be life crushingly depressing. Besides, if we follow the logic of what you're saying are we to never give a genuine appraisal of software in case it offends the creator? Bottom line is crap is crap, and a crap score is a crap score whether it's measured in 5 turd stained ringpieces or a single shiny gold star. At least you might be able to claim "I created the world's shittest application/game" with my system.

You have deeply offended me by casting aspersions on a suggestion I offered to you for free and which I made in my spare time - give yourself a 4 turds out of 5 rating. :D
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Gruso said:
People who charge money for games deserve to be told if it's crap. People who make something for their own enjoyment and release it for free, do not.

Right then, why don't we make it a 5 star system, where the only option in 5 full stars. We wouldn't want anyone to give anyone anything less than full marks now would we, it might hurt their feelings and that would be bad.

I wasn't suggesting sending hate mail to people and targeting them for some kind of vigelante beating for releasing something crap, I just think there's no harm in letting them know it has not lived up to whatever standards we imagine it could. In any rating some things will be marked on the lower end of the scale. Don't you understand the point that 1 out of 5 stars means that something is shite - fullstop. On the other hand 5 sticky marmite brown stars would mean it's actually achieved a level of shiteness worthy of being marked out as something special, maybe even making it noteworthy.
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For the record, I don't think there shouldn't be a rating system at all. That's another conversation that's been had many times before though, and I don't want to fill this (beta testing) thread with the debate. :)
What about after you click to download a file you have a choice to return to the page you were on or choice of /sub folder or homepage options...instead of using your back button?