Beta Appstore Testing (Again)

I have a 'wish list' request: support for recurring billing/subscriptions (most games shouldn't need this, but MMO developers might want it). Do you think this would be possible, Craig?
el_pango said:
I have a 'wish list' request: support for recurring billing/subscriptions (most games shouldn't need this, but MMO developers might want it). Do you think this would be possible, Craig?

would be an idea but then we would have to share your details with the mmo hosterto see which users are subscribed so i doubt it will happen.
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For MMO games, it would be easier to sell something like a "1 Month Subscription Key" on the store that people could buy multiple times. Games could just warn/remind players when their subscription is about to expire, and then they can buy a new subscription key on the store. Yes, it's a bit more "stress" on the player, but it's really not that big of a deal to go online for a minute or two to re-subscribe if you try to play the game and find out your subscription expired yesterday.
The (old) File Archive is becoming a bit populated, with Pickle, skeezix and the others having already uploaded some new and even some unknown stuff, like a port of a DOS soccer game or a ED-flavoured visual novel.

I leeched of there to prepare my SD babies. I suggest you do the same (remember: /pandora/desktop or /pandora/menu ).
we gonna update the app page Craig? still need to add the thumb rating system when you can a moment :) requires Javascript for no good reason, you cannot go to any game's page without it. Please don't do that. :( is broken, the link to &1 is still highlighted and unclickable.
quadomatic said:
It's probably wayyyyy too late for me to be making suggestions/asking questions like this, but did you all think about doing the appstore in PHP, MySQL and Javascript for nifty visual effects?

as craigix has mentioned before the system were working on "perl" doesnt have the same issues as php/mysql apparently the holes in the security are pretty major.
javascript is a good idea in theory but doesnt add anything other than a flashy effect and a higher file size. we went for a file manager light style. theres still some tweaks we could do at a later stage but for now as long as it lets people upload and download thats all that i'm concirned with.. the rest can come in good time :)

the overflow problem can be sorted easily, hope some time from building pandies comes soon :)

thanks for the bug reports
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Trevsweb said:
as craigix has mentioned before the system were working on "perl" doesnt have the same issues as php/mysql apparently the holes in the security are pretty major.
Yeah... Anyways, we went there already, don't wanna bring up old stuff again... I'm working on an app store replacement (as in: a version I'll use myself and that will be an alternative to the PAS for the devs that wanna use it, and that is browser compatible/printer friendly/has accessibility features/can be used from a console/uses some bling too), see the Box thread below or wait until I've fixed all of the bugs (aka rewritten my 3-day hack from scratch) and released it.

Also, JavaScript is extremely useful to control server load and stuff; you can selectively load images when they scroll into view, use AJAX to update parts of the page instead of redoing the whole thing, etc. Very useful.
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I noticed that if you go to and then click "Showing Pandora," it sends you to "Not Found / The requested URL /toprated.shtml was not found on this server."

(same with "New Uploads" and "Top Rated")
Would it be possible to add in the date that a comment was posted?

Also... tried registering, but it says that username must be 4 characters long. Is that definitely staying?
I noticed that there's a 30 character limit on the email field at registration. It should be much higher IMHO.

Downloads work well. Although statistics are not updated. I can't vote, nor find a way to comment despite being logged in. Existing comments has the pic of a bin at the right which when pushed goes to an error page.

Also, I've noticed that it can't be used with a browser without javascript, like Elinks.

Oh! and thanks Craig :)

EDIT: Ok, now I see how to comment and vote :) Seems that I didn't login well last time or something like that.