My Greek letter suggestion is using shapes that are quite similar to those basic shapes that everyone knows the names of.
Similar, but not close enough. I could see people calling Chi and Delta X and triangle, but most people would not call Pi and Omega Square and Circle.
How often do non-devs need to explicitly mention button names anyway? When you are talking about a game, don't you rather use game-specific words like "the jump button" or "the fire button" anyway? Or just "I jumped and fired", instead of "I pressed the A button and then the X button".
Wouldn't devs actually be more likely to refer to buttons by their actions, since they normally code the functionality first and tie it to a physical button later? My friends and I rarely ever use the terms "jump button" and "fire button" and speak about the games we play based on the button. "How do I melee?" "Press X". "How'd you do that jumping spindash?" "Press B-over to spindash and then press X to jump". We will speak in actions, (ie: "Jump over that ledge" or "Melee") but whenever we talk about the buttons, we always speak about the buttons based on their labels. It makes more sense to do it that way, anyway. For any given game, the fire button could be different. If I need them to know where the button they are supposed to press is, they won't know it's the B button unless I tell them it's the B button.
Hey, I unequivocally agree with both of you. Just throwing ideas out my window is all.
If the nubs could be migrated inward a skosh along with the B and A buttons below, we could fit the small N64 "c" cross buttons. I'm all for it guys.
Back to something like this then:
I still think this is inferior to the layout I showed you before:
/ \
| |
| +++++++++ WiFi 3/4G Power Br- Br+ +++++++++ |
| +++++++++ +++++++++ |
| |
| ^ Start |
| (Z) |
| (Y) |
| < > (Nub1) Select (Nub2) (C) |
| (X) ( |
| |
| v Menu (A) |
| |
| |
| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Back |
| |
| Tab q w e r t y u i o p Ent |
| |
| Shift a s d f g h j k l Shift |
| |
| , . z x c v b n m Spacebar Fn |
| |
By the way, do you write out "God Ginrai" at the end of every single post you make manually or does the forum add it for you? Curious is all.
Remember, as Moxie said, we are not making an N64 machine. Yours works great for N64, but is not as good for other 6-button systems, whereas mine is acceptable for N64 and perfect for other 6-button systems. I agree with both of _wb_'s points about your layout that I've quoted below:
I don't care where the extra two buttons are put. It would be weird if the original 4 buttons become smaller though and the extra 2 buttons are the big ones. I prefer all buttons to be the same size.
I don't think we should try to imitate the N64 layout perfectly - as long as there are 6 buttons in roughly the right shape, it will be OK for N64 emulation.
-God Ginrai