Depends what you mean by gaming style. 87-key is not stylish in terms of buttoncluster. Also 87-key functionality is advanced, and a secondary use. Alluding to it, with something that looks like gaming buttons, without being wrong for either purpose, seems to be the best compromise to me.
I was very obviously not talking about the whole keyboard. By "gaming style" I mean, for example, any variation of ABXY and Playstation button markings. The round buttons look like the action buttons, as used on many, but probably not all, controllers for consoles. I am glad you agree with my proposal.
I suppose to avoid confusing others in the future I should be even more verbose than I currently am. I figured people got bored with my long rambling posts, much like they do in spoken word conversations I am involved with when I talk endlessly about obscure topics and details most others are uninterested in, and in such an indirect way that if they were interested they can't follow my points or line of thinking. Blame Robert Anton Wilson, and others who helped me further screw up how my mind works.