Release Xash3D - Half Life: Uplink


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Half Life: Uplink, using Xash3D engine.


HalfLife: Uplink is the demo for Halflife. Unlike traditional demo, this one feature Levels not found in the full game (like for the JK2 demo). So getting it is advised even if you have the full version!

The demo data are already packed, the PND is ready2play.

History log

Build 15

  • New build in sync with main Xash3d pnd (faster and smoother gameplay).
Build 13

  • New build in sync with main Xash3d pnd (faster and smoother gameplay).
Build 12

  • New build in synch with main Xash3d pnd (should be faster).
Build 11

  • Fixed a bug preventing a new game to start

Build 10

  • Updated sources and libs

Build 09

  • Updated sources and libs

Build 08

  • Fixed the ".noshouldermb" function

Build 07

  • New build, with updated sources

Build 06

  • Added support for Nub as Joystick
  • Left nub to move now (you may need to enable joystick in valva/config.cfg)

Build 05

  • Initial build
  • Same version (and same binaries) as stand alone Xash3d
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Thanks, that's great.

just as a side note, for people with a "game of the year" or whatever package with uplink, if you want to avoid having a secondary game in your pandora menu and if you do not want to customize controls again, you can just copy the uplink folder near the valve folder and start uplink trough the "custom game" menu in game.
Like for the full version, left nub is usable to move now.

Build 06

  • Added support for Nub as Joystick
  • Left nub to move now (you may need to enable joystick in valva/config.cfg)
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@ ptitSeb: thanks for packaging Half-Life Uplink :)

I just noticed left nub enabled for movements doesn't work well with ladders: you have to revert to the d-pad in order to go up or down.

The game also segfaults quite often, and marines sometimes "blink", but I think this has already been reported in the other thread.

Cheers, Magic Sam 

@ ptitSeb: thanks for packaging Half-Life Uplink :)

I just noticed left nub enabled for movements doesn't work well with ladders: you have to revert to the d-pad in order to go up or down.

The game also segfaults quite often, and marines sometimes "blink", but I think this has already been reported in the other thread.

Cheers, Magic Sam 
Joystick doesn't work for ladders? I have to test, it's strange, the command are the same (between joystick and keyboard), and joystick code was already there. I have to investigate.

For the segfault, I need a a way to reproduce to be abble to fix it. Any save / easy way to reproduce the segfault.

Marines that blink, I guess it is the 'cl_lc "0"' command (that is needed for XashXT to run). cl_lc is "Lag Compensation" and it must be disabled for now.
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About reproducing the segfault, you could try this: play a bit, die, press (X) to load a quick saved game, then...

./ line 120:  9311 Segmentation fault      ./xash3d -dev 1 $noshouldermb $*

I hope it helps :)

Cheers, Magic Sam 

About reproducing the segfault, you could try this: play a bit, die, press (X) to load a quick saved game, then...

./ line 120:  9311 Segmentation fault      ./xash3d -dev 1 $noshouldermb $*

I hope it helps :)

Cheers, Magic Sam 
I tried to hack a fix.

Not sure it's good enough, but it seems to work. It may have some side effect (but I haven't spotted any).

I haven't published on repo yet, but if you can try and confir m (or not) it's ok.

PND is here.

I'll try your new PND out ASAP :)

Do I have to delete the existing appdata/hl_uplink directory ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Just tested playing with your test pnd...and at first seems to work good (i have died almost 10 times) on first run.

Later i rerun the PND of Uplink and loaded fine the last savegame...played a bit and i have died (again) now trying to load again the savegame it exited to desktop...with the gamma settings not restore the gamma i run again the pnd and choise exit.
Just tested playing with your test pnd...and at first seems to work good (i have died almost 10 times) on first run.

Later i rerun the PND of Uplink and loaded fine the last savegame...played a bit and i have died (again) now trying to load again the savegame it exited to desktop...with the gamma settings not restore the gamma i run again the pnd and choise exit.
The savegame is corrupted?

(I must I forgot to reset gamma at the exit of the program, I'll fix that)
@Farox: the version is more stable or not. I didn't understood if the savegame is corrupt (bad) or if still exist a case where a quickload crash (not perfect, but I guess PND is publishable then)?
Sorry Seb i can't test now...i'm prepare going to work.

Maybe the savegame was corrupted...i'm not so sure about it...but this version (if you fix the gamma restored at exit) is a bit better than before.

I will try late night, or tomorrow.
Ok sorry for the late testing...but free time is really low.

Now back to the game.

I rerun the game and now at first die (the game have run for about 10 min before i die) its segfault returning to desktop.

Here is pnd_run logfile:


PND             : /media/games/pandora/apps/hl_uplink.pnd
PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs
APPDATADIR      : /media/games/pandora/appdata/hl_uplink
APPDD_FSTYPE    : vfat
PND_CPUSPEED    : <unset>
EXENAME         :
ARGUMENTS       : <unset>
[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------
Mounting : mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/loop0" "/mnt/utmp/hl_uplink"
Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/games/pandora/appdata/hl_uplink=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/hl_uplink=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/hl_uplink"
[sUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Starting the application (  ) ----------
Setting PATH to /mnt/utmp/hl_uplink:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games
Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /mnt/utmp/hl_uplink/lib:/mnt/utmp/hl_uplink/lib:/usr/lib:/lib
System check
Freememory is 143
Cpu Speed is 600
Sys Speed is 332
Nubs as absolute, mouse
X11_GL_LoadLibrary(0x13780, (null))
LIBGL: Initialising glshim
LIBGL: Batch mode enabled
libGL egl backend:
libGL: built on May  2 2015 14:34:47
libGL: framebuffer output enabled
LIBGL: Current folder is:/mnt/utmp/hl_uplink
libGL backend:
     (build 3000) started at Jun09 2015 [22:24.45]
execing video.cfg

execing opengl.cfg

X11_GL_LoadLibrary(0x13780, (null))
Set: Mode 10: 16x9 [800x480]

glX stub: glIndexPointer
glX stub: glGetClipPlane
Video: GLES_CM wrapper

glXGetProcAddress: glStencilOpSeparate not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glStencilFuncSeparate not found.
AVI: Not supported

UI_SetColors: colors.lst not found

Using SDL audio driver: alsa @ 44100 Hz

1 joysticks found

Joystick 0 GUID is 180000006e7562300000000000000000

Could not find joystic mapping. Trying to register first joystick device 180000006e7562300000000000000000 with default mapping

joystick found

execing config.cfg

execing valve.rc

execing language.cfg

execing skill.cfg

execing config.cfg

Loading game from save/quick.sav...

Dll loaded for mod Half-Life

Spawn Server: hldemo2

Loading game from save/hldemo2.hl1...

execing skill.cfg


*Graph Loaded!

before gpGlobals->pSaveData=0x1345880
after gpGlobals->pSaveData=0x1345880
**Graph Pointers Set!

Game started

Spooling demo header.

level loaded at 7.20 sec

Got a velocity too low on gib

Got a velocity too low on gib

Loading game from save/quick.sav...

Spawn Server: hldemo2

Loading game from save/hldemo2.hl1...

Loading game from save/quick.sav...

Spawn Server: hldemo2

Loading game from save/hldemo2.hl1...


*Graph Loaded!

before gpGlobals->pSaveData=0x1375378
after gpGlobals->pSaveData=0x1375378
**Graph Pointers Set!

Game started


*Graph Loaded!

./ line 120:  1640 Segmentation fault      ./xash3d -dev 1 $noshouldermb $*
[sUCCESS]--- Starting the application (  ) ----------
[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[sUCCESS]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[ START ]--- Restoring nub mode ----------
[sUCCESS]--- Restoring nub mode ----------
[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/hl_uplink': Device or resource busy
[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
cleanup done
[sUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------
Return code is : 1

Savefile is a quicksave (don't know if important) and i don't think is corrupted...if you want i could upload it.

As repeated every time the game crash returning to XFCE the gamma value is not restored.

Hope it help find the nasty bug.
Ok, on the repo a newer build that seems stable (at least to me).

Build 07

  • New build, with updated sources