Release FreeSpace: The Great War


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is a port of FreeSpace: The Great War.


There are still some glitches in some menu (mainly Yes/No confirmations). Controls are setup for the Pandora, go to options to have the list of controls. Thanks to cube48 for his layout.

If you don't own the Full Game, you can try a Ready2Run PND of the Demo (note that you may need to configure the controls, the default controls doesn't seems to be setup automatically on the demo). The Demo is also updated, with build number in synch with full PND.

Here is a video of the gameplay taken from the Pandora by Ingoreis:
History Log
Build 07

  • Fixed mouse buttons issues
  • Default config is now the Pandora one
  • Fixed a potential segfault
  • Added script to automatically extract GoG data from setup exe
Build 06

  • Added option to Not have mouse button on Shoulder: create a .noshouldermb file in apdata/freespace2
  • Compatible with latest Video Drivers
  • Removed menu to select nub configuration
  • Nub config is now driven by the left_nub and right_nub files
  • Mouse button hardwired to Right & Left Shoulders
  • Nub as Joystick is now usable as Z & Rx axis (to Throttle and Rotate)
  • Rompiled the code, should be a bit faster.
Build 05

  • Fixed the nub configuration
Build 04

  • Added a menu to select nub configuration
Build 03

  • Corrected a bug with key label
  • Corrected a bug with Custom Pandora control that prevented tutorial to be completed.
Build 02

  • Corrected texture Red/Blue that was inversed before
  • Default setting adapted to the Pandora
  • Force left nub as mouse buttons, right nub as mouse.
  • corrected a typo in the data text file
Build 01

  • Initial release

Go and try to stop the invasion...

The complete sources are now in my github:
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:wub:  I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU! :wub:

It's the game I have been dreaming of playing on pandora since the day I've discovered the pandora…

Even if it's a Beta… it's FRIGGIN AWESOME  :wub:
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I can confirm that the torrents of the game on the Pirate Bay also work just fine.

Thx ^_^

I shame me a little because that bad Audio,but your work is great ;)

Mannyyyy Thx for releasing :D
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Installed both FS1 and 2 both working well. Only issues so far have been some minor graphic glitches. Blue and red being swapped, and the UI flickering every now and then. Nothing major that kills the joy of finally being able to play these awesome games on the pandora.
Controls are not setup for the Pandora, Use mouse controls. Give me feedback on the best way to setup the nubs for next release  :)

Somebody found out a good control setup ?

If I use it "as is" I'm not able to move the ship via the left nub (firing with the right one works though). For now I set the left nub into joystick mode before firing it up - but its a little cumbersome.

Best solution for me would be to map the ships direction onto the DPAD


Thanks !!

Minimal lapsus, the textfile in the appdata dir is also named Freespace2
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Controls are not setup for the Pandora, Use mouse controls. Give me feedback on the best way to setup the nubs for next release  :)

Somebody found out a good control setup ?

If I use it "as is" I'm not able to move the ship via the left nub (firing with the right one works though). For now I set the left nub into joystick mode before firing it up - but its a little cumbersome.

Best solution for me would be to map the ships direction onto the DPAD


Thanks !!

Minimal lapsus, the textfile in the appdata dir is also named Freespace2
Ihanks, I'll correct the text file.

About control, I put Mouse Mouvement to Right Nub, Buton to Left Nub. In the Options, I activate Mouse, Put snsitivity to max (or almost max). and I also bind Right trigger to Shot Primary. but there must be better mapping. I have to try with dual-analog config....
Bought it from there, too. Looking so forward to this :) must be great in summer nights in the garden after the sun has set :D
This is so far my control config adaptation for FS2 (didn't try FS1 yet but might be applicable in the same fashion).

I switch right nub to joystick mode before launching FS2 (normaly I use it for mouse movement in OS too).

Mouse off (default setting)

Right nub - aiming / directing

D-Pad Up / Down - accelarate / deccelerate

D-Pad Left / Right - roll left / right

R-Button (Right Ctrl) - shoot primary weapon

L-Button + R-Button (Shift+Right Ctrl) - shoot secondary weapon

L-Button + D-Pad (Shift + Arrows) - redirect shield energy accordingly (up=front, down=rear, left=Lside, right=Rside)

L-Button + q (Shift + q) - equalize shield energy

Backspace - speed to zero (default setting)

0 - speed to max

1 - afterburner

2 - cycle forward primary weapon slot

3 - cycle backward primary weapon slot

w - cycle forward secondary weapon slot

q - cycle backward secondary weapon slot

. - increase throttle 5 procent

, - decrease throttle 5 procent

ABXY (Home, End, PgUp, PgDn) buttons are currently left with default functions (energy distribution between GSE) but I might change this later to something more handy.

Rest of the controls remains at default values.
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Not yet. If I think about it now I'll maybe assign the energy management onto it. Increase/decrease throttle will be placed on PgUp/PgDn and Home/End might get "Protect my target" and "Destroy my target" wing's commands.

Freespace games are another showcase games for Pandora now (if not he best ones). Nice graphics, full use of nubs and keyboard, everything under your thumbs. Thanks for them Seb! Btw, do you ever sleep? How do manage to port so many good stuff? Are you cross-compiling on stronger machine?