Unofficial Keyboard Layouts

I think we should divide this into two topics: where do we put keys and what do we want to map to them by default.  I think those topics can be discussed completely separate and this would make things easier. Your points are too specific in my opinion, we should first agree on some basics.
Here's a layout:

The keys have the same width as the Pandora keys. All symbols from a normal US keyboard and a normal German keyboard are present (with the exception of the accent keys for acute, grave and circumflex). It has two shift buttons -- I personally don't use either of those (I prefer the shoulder buttons), but some people, including ED, want to have a shift button on the right too.
That's pretty good.

I'd go following:

Bright UP: FN + N

Bright Down FN + B

ß : FN + G

ESC: Where 1 is on your Layout

-> Move every number one to the right

Backspace Where Ins is.

Del Stays where it is.

Shift as big as all the other keys.

Wifi, BT, 4G, HDMI on primary position.
Added a third and unconventional six button layout to the first post.
Unconventional perhaps, but there are many good ideas in there. I will need to experiment with some of those ideas.
Thanks Caine. I wish we knew how far along ED was with the Pyra, and I wouldn't mind knowing where the speakers will be located actually.
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I imagine that the number of people who will want to move the space bar is relatively small.

There are probably more people who, like me, press the space bar with a quick downwards swipe with their right thumb.

That wouldn't work with a smaller spacebar.
I agree Binky and besides the Spacebar is surely one of the most used keys, so shrinking it down to a single portion, which gains us one more button, doesn't seem like a good idea unless it's moved to an occupied edge spot.
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Thank you Natsu. :)
Welcome. ^_^

...Although with this one, the mic probably has to be move to the other side

What do you think? lol

It's the face button farthest to the right that's the biggest problem unless we want to extend the case easterly, which would then make the inner keys like Start much more difficult to press.

This pic shows we can either add two face buttons upward or to the left of the A and Y, if we're feeling adventurous with the design without adding dimensional width. Increasing the size of the case instead would mean we're leaving pocketableville and encroaching on netbook territory.

I don't have a Pandora handy and I'm curious if you Natsu or anyone else feels two extra buttons added as in the "Genesis" layout might be possible and workable with a right thumb on real hardware. ^_^
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I don't have a Pandora handy and I'm curious if you Natsu or anyone else feels two extra buttons added as in the "Genesis" layout might be possible and workable with a right thumb on real hardware. ^_^
I don't either, the thumb shouldn't be able to go as far as the ring around it. The Genesis layout should work. That said, if we get rid or move the del/ins and move the buttons inward a little, it should fit similar to what I shown. Adding a bit more width won't hurt either. 3DS XL style. :P
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I don't have a Pandora handy and I'm curious if you Natsu or anyone else feels two extra buttons added as in the "Genesis" layout might be possible and workable with a right thumb on real hardware. ^_^
No. In fact, it's actually quite unnatural to move your thumb in that direction. The buttons need to move in a Southwest to Northeast slant to follow the arc that the right thumb traves when it pivots around the joint. This is essentially 3 rows of 2 instead of 2 rows of 3.

I didn't comment on this earlier, because I didn't want to bring the 6-button discussion into this topic. (Since we already have a topic for that) However, you asked about it, so I figured I'd give you a response.

-God Ginrai
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ESC: Where 1 is on your Layout

-> Move every number one to the right
I've thought about that, and it would indeed make the placement of Esc/tilde/backtic better, but I prefer to keep the alignment between the number row and the QWERTY row like on a normal keyboard, that is, "2" between "Q" and "W", and so on.

Also I don't think dedicated primary keys for wifi/bt/4g/hdmi toggle are needed, it's fine if those are Fn keys. You don't want to toggle those accidentally, and it's not like you need to be able to press those toggle buttons rapidly in succession or anything like that. Brightness up/down is different since you often want to press it like 10 times in a row.

Moving backspace to an action button is a good idea, I just don't know what to do with the extra key. On a normal keyboard you would have -_ and =+ there, but there's only room for one of them. We could put \ | there, but I don't think it is important enough. And putting ` ~ or ESC there would just be weird.
Moving backspace to an action button is a good idea, I just don't know what to do with the extra key. On a normal keyboard you would have -_ and =+ there, but there's only room for one of them. We could put \ | there, but I don't think it is important enough. And putting ` ~ or ESC there would just be weird.

I actually disagree with that.   Backspace should be on the main keyboard,   It does however make sense to put Ins and Del in the traditional grouping on the action keys along with Home, End, Page Up and Page Down.

- Neelix
This might be me, but I don't use Insert that often on real computers. Do you guys? I'm just wondering if it deserves its own dedicated button. I understand the idea of keeping the 6 grouped together like they are on keyboards, but I almost feel like it would make more sense to make Insert a Fn-Del or something, you know?


-God Ginrai
ESC: Where 1 is on your Layout

-> Move every number one to the right
I've thought about that, and it would indeed make the placement of Esc/tilde/backtic better, but I prefer to keep the alignment between the number row and the QWERTY row like on a normal keyboard, that is, "2" between "Q" and "W", and so on.

Also I don't think dedicated primary keys for wifi/bt/4g/hdmi toggle are needed, it's fine if those are Fn keys. You don't want to toggle those accidentally, and it's not like you need to be able to press those toggle buttons rapidly in succession or anything like that. Brightness up/down is different since you often want to press it like 10 times in a row.

Moving backspace to an action button is a good idea, I just don't know what to do with the extra key. On a normal keyboard you would have -_ and =+ there, but there's only room for one of them. We could put \ | there, but I don't think it is important enough. And putting ` ~ or ESC there would just be weird.
The more I look at your layout, the more it makes sense to me and is fine as it is.

ESC is good where it is.

Backspace should stay where it is as well.

There is one easy to press button not used: FN + Space.

On my laptop there is this button which brings up the right click menu.

Would be nice to have it as well on the keyboard.

When typing it might be nice to not be forced to use the nub but have instant access to the right click menu.


Also I'd change some FN keys.

At least for me "-" is quite often in use. More often than "ö".

But "-" on Y is hard to reach with the right thumb.

Could you please swap "-" "+" and "=" with "Ä" "Ö" and "ß"?

As the right thumb is used to press FN I'd say it's easier to press "DFG" than "YUI" .

And "-+=" is more important than "ÄÖß".

At least for me (and I'm German).

I don't think it's necessary to have öüä on a triangle as it's on a German Keyboard.

Fast access to - and + is more important.

Also think about zooming.

I use a lot CTRL and +/- to zoom while reading.

It's hard to press Right trigger/Select, FN and +/-.

I think it's pretty much perfect when those buttons are swapped.

You may use B and N with Pound and Yen symbols if you like to.

If you have no use for them then it's fine to get those symbols on the keyboard again.

As a master plan if it's not possible to have more than 4 Gaming Buttons:

Make the Bluetooth switch as primary DEL key.

Move "`" and "~" to B and N.

Then we have everything used as well.
Doesn't really matter, but it kind of bothers me that the face buttons have anything other than the ABXY letters.

IDK why, but it irks me.
Doesn't really matter, but it kind of bothers me that the face buttons have anything other than the ABXY letters.

IDK why, but it irks me.
Pgdn etc. would not be on the actual buttons. The keymaps people are posting just list it so we know what function those buttons will be performing.

-God Ginrai
That said, I reckon having silk screen printing indicating what buttons do what would make the Pandora a little more newbie friendly. COULD, please.

Also, I wonder why we don't have any FN-modifiers on the d-pad? My laptop has them on its arrow keys. Again, a COULD at most though.
I agree Binky and besides the Spacebar is surely one of the most used keys, so shrinking it down to a single portion, which gains us one more button, doesn't seem like a good idea unless it's moved to an occupied edge spot.
Why can't you just map both buttons to space so if you hit either one you get a space? You and Binky get a trivial compromise, and everyone else gets an extra button, and the flexibility to put the space button wherever they want it.