Twitterix: New Vid In The Works

Not knowing anything about Linux, I Googled Ext2 and read the Wiki. According to that, the ext2 filesystem is better for flash media as the lack of journaling reduces writes to the card which of course makes the media last longer. So It's more about flash longevity then a conflict over speed vs. features I guess.
Anything that makes my SD card last longer I will not complain about :D , then again I cannot say I ever wrote so much to a card that it stopped working.
God Ginrai said:
That's the reason I'm about to switch to Arch. (That and the fact that Arch will have a lot newer versions of everything in its repositories)
Try Gentoo too. ;)

Edit: Oh, more twitters!

My Pandora is almost back to normal.
Outrun (arcade) looks amazing on the Pandora. Just leaving it running on my desk brings a smile to my face every time I look at it.
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javaJake said:
God Ginrai said:
That's the reason I'm about to switch to Arch. (That and the fact that Arch will have a lot newer versions of everything in its repositories)
Try Gentoo too. ;)

That's my eventual goal. However, I don't believe I have enough experience with Linux to handle Gentoo yet.

-God Ginrai
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Enverex said:
Or Debian Sid, those are the main 3 rolling releases.

Except debian is always farther behind the curve than Fedora because they focus heavily on stability.

-God Ginrai
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Arch is my second distro of choice. I like their packaging policy a lot, however I tend to miss the more "modern" features that other distros have (Such as PackageKit, Upstart, DKMS or even PulseAudio - yes, pulse can be built + configured to not suck). It's not that Arch doesn't have them, but rather that the whole distro seems to expect you not to use these more modern frameworks.

If you don't want to customize every aspect of your distribution and just want a system that "works" after installing it, I'd recommend to look at the Chakra project; an Arch-based distro that uses KDE-mod as its default DE and has a live CD that's very easy to use.
God Ginrai said:
Enverex said:
Or Debian Sid, those are the main 3 rolling releases.

Except debian is always farther behind the curve than Fedora because they focus heavily on stability.

-God Ginrai

Check before you post, Debian Sid is the rolling release that packages go into pretty much as soon as they are released. They then go into "Testing" and then finally into the normal release. Sid gets packages for things as soon as someone makes them which is shortly after something is released normally. This isn't "Debian Stable".
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Enverex said:
God Ginrai said:
Enverex said:
Or Debian Sid, those are the main 3 rolling releases.

Except debian is always farther behind the curve than Fedora because they focus heavily on stability.

-God Ginrai

Check before you post, Debian Sid is the rolling release that packages go into pretty much as soon as they are released. They then go into "Testing" and then finally into the normal release. Sid gets packages for things as soon as someone makes them which is shortly after something is released normally. This isn't "Debian Stable".

I almost mentioned debian unstable in that post but I decided not to, because I didn't see why debian would be recommended other than for its stability.

-God Ginrai
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Tobs said:
I'm hoping the next vid will show off the ability the Pandora has to defend against bears. Both wild and domesticated.


Get it? Protect against bears? Protect against Reavers?
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Jourdy288 said:
Tobs said:
I'm hoping the next vid will show off the ability the Pandora has to defend against bears. Both wild and domesticated.


Get it? Protect against bears? Protect against Reavers?

No, I don't see any connection between bears and Reavers.

-God Ginrai
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craigix said:
Looks like the mac killed my ext2 SD cards. Bugger. Have to set those back up to finish the video. I think I'll try to stay up all day now.

Anyway the SD card death means I can upgrade my Pandora firmware to the latest one, which means things go even faster.
piece of advice: *always* eject an ext2 fs through the preferences ext2 plugin dialog on the mac (assuming you're using this ext2 manager)
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Simpson's reference. Episode named The Last Temptation of Krusty.
Comedian: I finally got around to reading the dictionary. Turns out the zebra did it.
Homer: I don't get it.
Lisa: Dad, the zebra didn't do it, it's just a word at the end of the dictionary.
Homer: I still don't get it.
Lisa: It's just a joke.
Homer: Oooh. A joke! I get jokes.
WizardStan said:
Simpson's reference. Episode named The Last Temptation of Krusty.
Comedian: I finally got around to reading the dictionary. Turns out the zebra did it.
Homer: I don't get it.
Lisa: Dad, the zebra didn't do it, it's just a word at the end of the dictionary.
Homer: I still don't get it.
Lisa: It's just a joke.
Homer: Oooh. A joke! I get jokes.

Ralph: Go banana!

(my favorite Simpsons quote)
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