It's the speed that counts.

Well the initial results should be a set of known good or bad pyra prototypes. Then he can send out good units to developers and prototype orderers maybe. The results of that could be quite good, but a little way off just yet. But I suppose we might be able to find out the failure rate quite soon.
Well the initial results should be a set of known good or bad pyra prototypes. Then he can send out good units to developers and prototype orderers maybe. The results of that could be quite good, but a little way off just yet. But I suppose we might be able to find out the failure rate quite soon.

Keep in mind that failure rates for a low production prototype run are not likely to be indicative of actual production. Errors in these should be usable to help refine the production though.
He was on the mailing list on Monday asking about how to mount the SD cards as mass storage via the OTG port, which would act to test both client mode OTG and the SD card connection. So far, nobody's been able to help him, so it'll take him a good few tens of minutes to fully test a PCB I reckon. After doing his day job, eating, fixing up the shop, and spending some time with his other half, I'd expect he could only test a couple of PCBs a night, if he's even doing them without waiting for help with his question which would speed things up so it might be worth him waiting.
Yep, the test is not fully finished yet and as I don't have the new cases here yet (currently trying to find out where these are right now), I also need to replace the PCBs inside the case...
I'm working on it daily, it takes a bit of time - but I'm slowly advancing each day.
Seems to me that this thing getting closer to production has spurred some TI folks to start fixing bits and pieces that didn't work before. The latest is fixing the sound system:

So while we're waiting for ED to determine if all of his PCBs are broken or not, there's still cool stuff happening in the OS.