Twitterix: New Vid In The Works

greendots said:
But the actual situation is very different: They do have the money... all of it, in full, and none of us have a pandora (excluding devs). Time wasted making silly video could be spent else where. I would rather have Craig sit down for an unedited 5-10 minute period and tell us what every one did and are planning for the next few weeks.

I did find Craigs video's entertaining but I think his focus is far more on marketing then filling us in on the product we ordered.

I know where you're coming from- i'm out my money right now too (until it actually ships) and believe me I don't get to spend money on toys like this very often- maybe twice a year if I'm lucky, and usually I have to sell another in order to buy something like this. So for me, this has lost me the potential to buy anything else while I'm waiting.

There was a period of time that I started to get annoyed by the team and the mixed messages I was hearing about dates and such... but it has now settled in my mind that I'm too much like these guys to be mad at them. They are putting 110 percent into making this thing and it's a community driven project. The idea of the thing is enough to warrant any kind of wait needed for them to get it done and make this thing a reality. I think this is what separates the folks with a consumerist mentality for the Pandora, and those with a community mentality for it. Are you in it to be part of an ambitious indie endeavor, or do you just want your goods?
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The goods! The goooooooods!


In all seriousness, in the end, isn't it really about both the ambitious indie endeavour and the goods equally? The ambition is to create awesome product to fill a niche and sell said product or "goods" to the target market. Ambitious indie dudes make money they well deserve, buyers get kickass product. Everybody winner.

Word spreads. People hear about other people who are fully satisfied with the goods they purchased. More people want these useful indie goods. They don't want shiny wankola any more. They want kickass. So they buy the indy goods. More indy goods pop up seemingly out of nowhere in order to sate the publics demand for innovative, worthwhile products that fulfill needs and wants equally. Millions turn their backs on big business and buy the indie goods. This is good right?


Big business loses millions, unable to keep their shareholders happy, they are forced to liquidate. The stock market collapses. Millions are unemployed. Food and utilities are scarce. Riots and chaos in the streets. Cities burn to the ground. Tidal waves destroy our coastlines, but also conveniently help put out some of the the fire. Anarchy rules, which is kind of an oxymoron depending on how you think about itOH NOEZ! ARMAGEDDON! THE RUSTY UNLUBRICATED PITCHFORKS OF SATANS MINIONS ENCROACH UPON YOUR TENDER HINDQUATERS!

Buy indie :D
Enverex said:
Codine is a weakish painkiller normally mixed with Paracetamol and it's available on prescription. Works well on some people, has no effect on others like myself (Paracetamol also has zero effect on me). Realistically unless he's OD'd on it he's not going to be tripping.
It seems he's already working on a 'homebrew' alternative:
craigix said:
Has anyone tried making poppy tea? Or 'milking' the poppies to get opium?

My garden is full of them and I'd like to get some use from them, I've read the tea is really good for chilling out and is obviously free :)
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I've been pretty calm all these months, etc... But i'm really getting restless waiting for this video... oh well. Just give us what you have. Edited or not. We don't care, just give us something... anything... ASHASDFGQAKWET!
One thing I'd like you to demonstrate in the new vid, Craig.


Is the Pandora resistant to sonic screwdrivers? Did you invest in deadlock seals for all the units?
So the video is still not released? Personally it feels like the piss is being taken. It's been what, 3 months since we were told the video was 'on its way'?

Craigix, just sit infront of a camera and show us what you have. Tell us how things are progressing and at what stage you're at. We don't need some video that takes this long just to edit, it's useless - what we want to know is how close we are to receiving the goods we paid for almost a year ago, i'm not interested in watching you prat around on a roof with some shitty smartQ product.
This is not your normal update video Craigix is making here. It's like... THE BIG video that showcases everything. The one that's supposed to thrust the Pandora onto the front page of Digg, Slashdot, and [Insert Big Gadget Website Here]. Maybe even get the crews mugs on the front page of newspapers and magazines. Stir the hearts and souls of all those who see. Send non-believers to their knees in shame and blubbering sorrow for not having faith. Cause people to sacrifice goats to the prosperity goddess so they have enough money in their depression sapped coffers to afford one from the second batch....

Well... Maybe not all that, but it is supposed to be the high quality professional video that is so sorely needed.
mindlord said:
This is not your normal update video Craigix is making here. It's like... THE BIG video that showcases everything. The one that's supposed to thrust the Pandora onto the front page of Digg, Slashdot, and [Insert Big Gadget Website Here]. Maybe even get the crews mugs on the front page of newspapers and magazines. Stir the hearts and souls of all those who see. Send non-believers to their knees in shame and blubbering sorrow for not having faith. Cause people to sacrifice goats to the prosperity goddess so they have enough money in their depression sapped coffers to afford one from the second batch....

Well... Maybe not all that, but it is supposed to be the high quality professional video that is so sorely needed.

We all know that this video is the big LAUNCH of the pandora still it is a bit tiresome to hear that "it's coming" or "it's moving along" but I still found the Smart Q5 review quite amusing :D.


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mindlord said:
it is supposed to be the high quality professional video that is so sorely needed.
Ohhhhhhhh dear (has vision of craigix naked, in compromising position, with only a Pandora to hide his/our blushes)
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I think when Craig first promised the BIG video, he was counting on a July release. As you say, this is supposed to be a big thrust, as it were, and to capitalize on that momentum they need devices out there to prove it works in the wild. I think he's rapidly trying to backpedal his optimism now. Right up until he said another video was coming soon again :/
I agree with this sentiment. It does little good to release the BIG video now, when the final units are still 30+ days out. It needs to strike when the iron is hot. Just as the first Pandoras ship and there the community is buzzing with excitement.
gibberish said:
So the video is still not released? Personally it feels like the piss is being taken. It's been what, 3 months since we were told the video was 'on its way'?
I would love to see a new video to make the waiting time a little more exciting, but...
give Craig time for whatever he decide to work on! He is working hard for us! Statements like that are disrespectful in my opinion!
Enough exclamation marks.
Craig, go on as you feel whats best for your and your fellows great projekt. Just, don't promise to much or at least be a little more vague.
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Corecannon said:

new vid is up!
Its a video just about the mame emulator. The Pandora looks nice in this video but I can't beleive it took so long to come out. It didn't look that hard to make in my opinion. I appriciate that he made a video but I hope this was just made to satisfy us for a while cause I really don't beleive this was the video that was orginally promised cause there really wasn't anything specail about this one.
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Shaun. said:
Corecannon said:

new vid is up!

Its a video just about the mame emulator. The Pandora looks nice in this video but I can't beleive it took so long to come out. It didn't look that hard to make in my opinion. I appriciate that he made a video but I hope this was just made to satisfy us for a while cause I really don't beleive this was the video that was orginally promised cause there really wasn't anything specail about this one.

This one was made by MWeston.

Personally I think we should stop worrying about when "the" video is coming. We've seen 3 other good videos since that one was announced. Craig's will come when it's ready / when the timing is right. I kinda regret starting this thread and putting up a blog post, but hey, I like to live on the edge man.
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Yes, the video is not very funny like the "craig falls from the roof" video, but it shows what we likes to see: the pandora whitout any cinematic spezial effekts like hollywood.. the pandora dont need any spezial effekt, and when i take in my memory that craig just for us takes "codeine" what allready fery dangerous for my sounds

god video, but i d like to play whit my own Pandora, this where greater than all videos.. B)
I have to say, that MK I was looking mighty fine! I honestly didn't think it would run that well on the Pandora. Perhaps my hopes of having Arcade MK II in my pocket isn't a total pipe dream. Cause let's face it, the console versions never did the game justice.