Tweaking and Finalizing

If only one color is available, it should obviously be black. It's neutral. No one is going to not buy it because it's black. If two are available, I think the second option should be dark red. Partly because it seems to be the second most popular option, but also because it's been the color used for the renders on the home page and all the marketing material for ages.

Yeah, I'll have to go with this^

I'm no fan of black in general, but the color in the renders would be my choice if I had to go with an alternative that could be a second choice that would probably please the most people.

The "yellow" render was and is still my favorite, but's it's unlikely that one will see the light of day, and considering there wasn't even a sample of that color I'm not holding my breath.

If only one color is available, it should obviously be black. It's neutral. No one is going to not buy it because it's black. If two are available, I think the second option should be dark red. Partly because it seems to be the second most popular option, but also because it's been the color used for the renders on the home page and all the marketing material for ages.
I think if we're going to have red it'll have to be that red from the samples in the first post.
I need safety orange for the outside of the display part, blacker than black for the inner parts and a beautiful dark red (which neelix provides - at least in a render) for the bottom.
I would absolutely love it in the red that is in all/most of the marketing renders and at the top of this forum itself. I would be okay with the red from the sample or anything close to black. You definitely need a black option though, as I don't know how much consensus will be reached regarding any other color
I like the reds used in some of the renders and advertising. The red in the pic of actual cases is better than no red, but not quite what I thought it would look like. I don't think it is worth buying a ton of plastic to be able to get the right shade. As someone that was strongly consisting dark red I don't think I would buy it in that shade. I will look at it and think about it a bit more. Really, any grey will probably get more support from me, but it depends, and that is why I am now more vocally behind clear (plus I can paint it any color I want if I get tired of looking inside at all the penguins running around).

If I could get a clear purple, that would be very cool (and my preference)
You can have clear purple if you use the right paint for the clear case. I have done something similar (intentionally using the wrong kind of paint, but on a different type of plastic, so it may not work for the Pyra). This is another reason I recommend clear even if it isn't actually my preference (but it is one the best, imo, of what we have seen so far).

Would it not be "Clurple"?
Depends. If it is a translucent purple that hasn't been used elsewhere and named you can call it whatever you want. The Extreme Green (bright translucent yellowish green) I frequently mention is a Nintendo color of the N64 era. At that time they also had a couple of translucent purples.

I propose if we get a custom translucent purple that it be named Pyra Purple.
I prefer the colors black and "transparency". The transparent case I would airbrush inside. I had made with a body for model cars. Maybe it also looks good on the pyra and the color ist protected against scratches.
I think everyone should just accept that we are not getting any of the renders... ED has explained why, so it is silly to keep asking for them.

The only room to play we have is with the grey/black.. because there ED can get any shade he likes.

So debate your preferred shade of grey or black as much as you like, but if you want a colour. .. The only options are the red / blue / violet cases that ED has shown.
If you don't like those...
Pick clear.
The only official color so far is black/dark grey, afaik.

Ah, So those are simply test cases.
It'd be easier to give others a opportunity to obtain a clear one to dye it different [transparent] colors.
I've got no problem with black though!
ED - when do you anticipate devs will receive theirs?

During and after the GamesCom, probably.
Depends on how many of the old ones we can fix. We want to have at least 3 - 4 ready for the GamesCom which can afterwards be shipped to devs (or ptitSeb can one with him directly).

We'll have another pre-production run after the GamesCom as well, then we shouldn't have a prototype shortage here.
During and after the GamesCom, probably.
Depends on how many of the old ones we can fix. We want to have at least 3 - 4 ready for the GamesCom which can afterwards be shipped to devs (or ptitSeb can one with him directly).

We'll have another pre-production run after the GamesCom as well, then we shouldn't have a prototype shortage here.
:D :D :D
I think everyone should just accept that we are not getting any of the renders... ED has explained why, so it is silly to keep asking for them.
That isn't at all what he said. All he has said on this issue so far is the minimum run size for cases and the minimum order quantity for the plastic (and cost associated with each).

As of right now he probably doesn't have the money to buy plastic for 8000 cases in a special color. That doesn't mean things won't change. Maybe someone will shove lots of money under his door, or enough plastic for a couple thousand cases in the perfect color might appear at the case company. If he wants to use that red as the main one, and people are interested in getting it, it might happen.
Well of course, anything is possible.

I'm sure ED will inform us if such an option becomes available... and I hope it does!

Edit: I just wanted people to be clear about what their options are.