That took a while...

Luckily, your GPD win shouldn't explode just because you got a Pyra. And handily, you can get help for both platforms with one login here.
I've already been having issues of random blue screens and freezes in sleep mode.
But I guess I can play steam games so yay?
My personal experience with these type of devices is that if you neglect one for too long the battery deteriorates to the point of no return. Li-ion wants love and seeks attention, so need to make sure you use both from time to time.
That's happened to my 3DS and galaxy S4 many times, although those have removable batteries...
I've been told to put Li-ion devices half charged by several people if I'm gonna store them, but I'm too lazy for that
wow, that's an awesome reveal shot for when we finally realize who's behind the camera filming ED making the pyra...
If you manage to polish the coating off with years of handling, the worn patch will be glossy. If, instead, you take a belt sander to it, the worn patch will be matte.

I own HP-48SX calculators from a lot of years ago and some of them had intensive use: no polish in the coating. I think HP48 case texture and plastic material are impressive.

By the way I would love a Pyra with texture and color like an HP-48SX: a beautiful DARK BROWN (in 48G models they turned to ugly and strange blueish-green color).

Also dark brown (dark chocolate) color in original Commodore 64 keyboard is awsome for me:

Theses pictures can't show those beautiful dark brown colors (at least they can't do it in my monitor :D ).

Of course, I suspect we can end with a BLACK color, even DARK GREY, but no with a DARK BROWN color.
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Quick teaser, I made some quick pictures of the cases with a proper camera.

The blue looks awesome! It doesn't look like the smartphone picture at all :)

These are all the coated cases. I will do resistance testings tonight and will also assemble a unit to physically test everything.

The uncoated have lots of visible marks still, but most of them should disappear when the molds have been hardened. As long as I haven't confirmed the physical dimensions to be correct (which I can hopefully do so tonight), they can't harden them :)

Silver1.jpg Silver2.jpg Black1.jpg Black2.jpg Blue1.jpg Blue2.jpg
Great news, but what's happen to the Backside?? The big holes on the sides??
Or are there for the Shoulderbuttons..
Blue looks indeed pretty cool, this was the color i wanted for my Pandora..
but it's pretty clear that I take a clear Pyra/.
I am a tad surprised by how much the blue differs from the initial post. This colour looks significantly better.

Cell phones make lousy cameras. It's just the basic physics of lens size and focal length. As ED noted, these were taken with a, "real camera".
@EvilDragon If you have enough cases that you can risk damage to one, can you stick one in the freezer for a few hours then bang it on a hard surface. (Or, I think you mentioned that the samples you have now are of more than one compositional formula, so then one of each material.)

I had a machine once (I think it might have been an Apple Newton) that shattered when I bumped it after waiting for half an hour at the bus stop in sub-zero weather.