Colorful week

The week ends at the end of the weekend. E.g. Sunday 12PM and right now it is 9:14PM. So EvilDragon has 26+h time left ... I do not want to wait that long ...
But the last day of a week is saturday, sunday is the first day of the week and a type of ice-cream. :p
edit: I suppose he is setting up pictures of it all, the metal plate looks great on the box images.
enjoy this trip
and it is a trip
i just hope i don't have to take this trip
to see some...
serious colors this weekend!!!
*hint, hint*
it doesn't help that many Christians confuse Sunday with the Sabbath, when that is technically Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, but the first (biblical) day of the week is Sunday's day -- celebrating the Lord's day as the eighth day (a new day of meta-creation) and all that.

Germany's way is more consistent with being able to call the weekend the weekend, however.

Not sure that we can really get anywhere talking about conventions, but i think ED wants us to wait roughly one week between news postings, so he doesn't wear himself out too much.
Wouldn't a week have two ends? I guess if you take it extremely literally in that sense it would only end once, but that would last only a moment, not a day, and definitely not two.

I am glad I use a calendar that only has 5 day long weeks.
i think the "end" sense is in the "beginning and end" sense, especially since it regards time. you can say a snake has two ends, but the connotation doesn't sound quite right. it has a head and a tail :). (of course, you can say "front-end" and "back-end", which makes it clear you're talking spatially, not temporally. and you never say "front-end" and "back-end" of a week... though i suppose you could start something.)

but as you say, an end is but a moment, and the present is never here for long.

if you really want to get thinking about something, ask someone what they mean by "next thursday" when it's monday or tuesday.

[edit] wait, how does having a 5-day week help you in this regard?? it's the same problem, no?
if you really want to get thinking about something, ask someone what they mean by "next thursday" when it's monday or tuesday.

[edit] wait, how does having a 5-day week help you in this regard?? it's the same problem, no?
I already ask for clarification (usually by asking for a date), since most people aren't very clear. I say "this" if I mean during the current week, with "last" and "next" to designate the previous and upcoming weeks respectively.

No, actually it isn't a problem at all when using a different length to a week, as it never perfectly aligns with another calendar's week, and I know what the first and last day of the week are, as do others that use this same calendar.

Anyway, I look at it the way WizardStan described, with the "ends" on either side. Like a piece of string. You can tie the ends together. (You can also tie the ends of a single piece of string together, then crumple it up and go from any point where the string touches to the other point in time it touches, but that works better with a lifetime than a week.)
Generally it can be difficult to get Linux on Bay Trail or Cherry Trail devices, but that's mostly due to the lack of support from the device manufacturer, not on anything related to the Intel SoC. The ease of installing Linux on the GPD WIN will be determined by GPD themselves. It may be in a state where it can boot linux, but some peripherals like the keyboard, analogs, sound, bluetooth won't work because proper kernel modules need to be made or device tree setup etc.

EDIT: In time even without GPD's support it may eventually get proper Linux support, but out of the gate I doubt it unless GPD initiates it themselves.
GPD Win already said months ago that they will officially support Linux (although it is unclear if they mean "real" Linux or just Android).

That is the case in some places. In other places, including Germany (I assume you know that that's where Ed lives), weeks begin with the mondays and end with the sundays.
Wait, I thought Sunday was both the first day of the new week as well as the last (eighth) day of the previous week... ;)
Well most people don't consider Android Linux, do they? If they say Linux I don't think they would mean Android.
GPD Win already said months ago that they will officially support Linux (although it is unclear if they mean "real" Linux or just Android).
Do you have any source?
All I can remember from them is "it should be able to run Linux".
GPD Win already said months ago that they will officially support Linux (although it is unclear if they mean "real" Linux or just Android).
And even if it's "real" Linux, is it ongoing support or do they slap together something functional with an old kernel and call it done?
I already ask for clarification (usually by asking for a date), since most people aren't very clear. I say "this" if I mean during the current week, with "last" and "next" to designate the previous and upcoming weeks respectively.

Imagine it's a Friday - how do you refer to the Wednesday just gone? As this Wednesday, because it's still in the current week? Or as last wendesday, as I do? I'm assuming just saying 'Wednesday' is invalid for some reason.