SuperZaxxon Final - Charging
Explanation of the format:
Time | Battery capacity in % | Predicted runtime | Remark of what I did at that time.
The numbers were noted as seen in the XFCE status-bar.
11:48 31% 04:27 Connecting charger. Charging-LED turns red.
11:49 31% 11:45
11:58 33% 00:00
12:02 34% 00:00 Screen had turned blank. Closing lid.
13:44 62% 00:00
15:48 82% 132:0 Charging-LED is off. Why has charging stopped?
15:49 82% 75:00 Re-inserting charger-plug. Charging-LED turns red. Closing lid.
17:23 90% 00:00 Still charging with LED on.
17:40 91% 00:00 Opening lid, looking at stats. Suddenly stats are not shown in status-bar.
17:45 98% 00:00 Re-inserting battery. Restart. Now shown as 98%. Nearly complete, thus disconnecting charger.
? 8% ??
? Automatic emergency shutdown kicked in. Taking battery out. Pause. Battery in. Device boots.
? 1% ??
? After boot is complete, battery level shown as 1%.
13:20 1% 00:00 Connecting charger. Charging-LED turns red.
13:30 6% 00:00
15:48 44% 00:00
18:11 73% 00:00
19:36 75% 125:10 Charging-LED off.
19:37 75% 12:00 After some wake time.
20:08 73% 117:25 Charging-LED still off. Capacity dropped. Charging must have stopped.
20:09 73% 11:59 After some wake time.
20:10 73% 00:00 Disconnecting and reconnecting charger. Charging-LED turns red.
20:39 78% 00:00
06:43 96% 153:33 Charging-LED off.
15:17 89% 134:08 Charging-LED still off.
15:18 89% 13:48 After some wake time. Disconnecting and reconnecting charger. Charging-LED turns red.
15:49 94% 00:00
16:07 96% 00:00
16:56 100% 00:00 Charging-LED off. XFCE Battery monitor only showed strip. After clicking, it refreshed to numerical display.