Release Super Geometry Dust

Possible bug...

Scenario: As the lame ass gamer I am, I downclocked the pandy all the way down to 125 mhz. And I hadn't yet figured out what buttons to use to release the 2 types of bombs.

By the time I got the powered up lasers, I noticed that the bullets spawns further and further away from the ship, leaving a gap where enemies can roam freely.

Picture the ship being at position 0 (in a 1 dimensional plane), an enemy is at position 10... and them bullets spawns at position 20 and travels onwards to 25, 30, 35, etc...

Could be it's just doing this when downclocking, or it's because there are to many objects on the screen.

And yeah, if you ever make an online hi-score, see to it that scores won't be submitted if the panda is clocked down.
Possible bug...

Scenario: As the lame ass gamer I am, I downclocked the pandy all the way down to 125 mhz. And I hadn't yet figured out what buttons to use to release the 2 types of bombs.

By the time I got the powered up lasers, I noticed that the bullets spawns further and further away from the ship, leaving a gap where enemies can roam freely.

Picture the ship being at position 0 (in a 1 dimensional plane), an enemy is at position 10... and them bullets spawns at position 20 and travels onwards to 25, 30, 35, etc...

Could be it's just doing this when downclocking, or it's because there are to many objects on the screen.

And yeah, if you ever make an online hi-score, see to it that scores won't be submitted if the panda is clocked down.

I've also been toying with this. I couldn't understand how I got such an amazing score that one day - and I *think* something must have been slowing the game down in the background. I didn't get an underclocking warning that time, but I've experimented and found that somewhere about 350 and 400 *feels* very much like that brilliant game. I can tell you that 300 is the sweet spot for smoothness and as an 'easy' setting. 250 is still playable, but at 200 your laser definitely starts behaving rather strangely (as you mentioned).

I have to say that I would now like to clear all my high scores and start from scratch - Stick at 600. It was fun to experiment, but my good fortune that one time was a fluke - I want to know what my real skill level is.

wermy: can you do a check ingame to confirm clockspeed? So a player only achieves a 'highscore' at the default mhz. Otherwise he/she can play at a lower clock for fun/practice and rack up points - but they don't qualify for a highscore no matter how insane it is.

An even better idea: Simply enable an 'easy' or practice mode ingame. :) (then we can have a separate high score screen for that too)

P.s. This game is fantastic - it gets better with each update!

stouffa mentioned an idea for an enemy that could be used to your advantage. I really like this and suggest you implement a couple of randomly occurring 'obstacles' or landscaping on the sphere that can be used as either a way to get enemies off your tail, or to lure them into a trap.
The color of the sphere corresponds to how close you are to earning the quad laser. I really need to find a way to make it more obvious - several people have pointed it out as a bug. :)
If you make the last color not red but the bright orange, play another robotic voice when the player gets the temporary quad laser (such as "survivor"), and after that sound quickly fade the sphere color from bright orange to red, people should get it.
The color of the sphere corresponds to how close you are to earning the quad laser. I really need to find a way to make it more obvious - several people have pointed it out as a bug. :)
If you make the last color not red but the bright orange, play another robotic voice when the player gets the temporary quad laser (such as "survivor"), and after that sound quickly fade the sphere color from bright orange to red, people should get it.

It should be saying "SUPER LASER" whenever you earn it. :) I'll probably put a progress bar at the bottom or something so it's more obvious how close you are. Could make it more exciting to easily see how closer you are to earning it.
It should be saying "SUPER LASER" whenever you earn it. :) I'll probably put a progress bar at the bottom or something so it's more obvious how close you are. Could make it more exciting to easily see how closer you are to earning it.
Oh right, it does. I didn't realize there already is a sound that's specifically for the temporary quad laser. It's better if the sound puts emphasis on why the player gets the quad laser, instead of what kind of quad laser.
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I think the regular bombs and decoy bombs spawns should be switched. I find the regular bombs much more beneficial than the decoy bombs.
Finally beat the 1mil mark. Really wanted to break 2, but it gets freakin' insane! My heart started racing, and my hands shaking, that was a lot of fun!

I had 0 lives at 800k and was like SHIT I'm not gonna break the 1mil! But then I did. B)

Lovin' those decoy bombs Wermy ;) . Being able to focus on the stationary targets/asteroids for a few seconds is VERY helpful.

And I think the spawns are good the way they are after all. Towards the end a good placed Decoy Bomb clearing most of the sphere is huge compared to a regular bomb.

EDIT: Decided to give it another go. 1.03mil. Twice in a row B) . I'll get the 2mil eventually.

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1076014 is my best score. how do u have sgd take a screen shot? i have a few but idk how i oot them.
got approx 2,600,000 this morning... I think I've found the right technique! ^_^
SS or it didn't happen! :P
Well sure I'll take a screengrab... although the scores file is easily editable so you'd still have to take my word for it.

I'll grab a screenie when I get chance, post it later.

If you are interested in getting high-scores, here's my technique!

  1. Dodge as best you can until until you get super laser.(Try killing all enemies for as long as you can.)
  2. Move Up-Left continuously whiltst firing Left-Downish.(The Super Laser gives you a nice spread, that fired in this general direction will clear a path right through most enemies including those annoying stars. You want to modulate your aim slightly to give a little more coverage though.)
  3. Ocassionally fire backwards since you will gather enemies chasing you.(Especially if you need to slow down to clear asteroids... If you get stuck, use a decoy, you should be able to save quite a few up using this technique.)
  4. Concentrate firepower on large obstacles in your Up-Left direction and dodge around continuing upleft, changing speed if needed.
  5. Try to take out Spawners and turrets quickly as you pass, but this is secondary to cleaning the path ahead in your Up-Left direction, if you have enough bombs, just quickly activate one near them.

YMMV, but I've found my scores have jumped very quickly after figuring out this general plan of action. Have fun! And maybe you'll be beating my score soon! B)
One other bit of advice that may not be immediately apparent: Bombs (and decoy bombs) don't give you points. They just clear the area for you so you can live longer. *However,* if you work it right, you can get a bunch of enemies going after a decoy bomb, and shoot them before it explodes and still get all the enemies' points. :D

I have donated , brilliant game and great coding.

Thank you! I really appreciate it, and am glad you're enjoying the game. :)
Move Up-Left continuously whiltst firing Left-Downish.(The Super Laser gives you a nice spread, that fired in this general direction will clear a path right through most enemies including those annoying stars. You want to modulate your aim slightly to give a little more coverage though.)
Just outta curiosity, are you left handed? I normally run up-right.

I ask because playing Cube Runner my right handed friends and I would normally keep to the right, where as our left handed friend went left.

Still waitin' on that SS so I know exactly what to beat ;)

@Wermy Have you put any thought into an online leader board, or are you not interested?
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Perhaps having a planet in the planet would make the game more playable by the 800000 mark as its imposible sometimes to tell if bullets and asteroids are on the same plane as you insane game brilliant fun.
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1076014 is my best score. how do u have sgd take a screen shot? i have a few but idk how i oot them.
Select takes a SS.


Aight, PokeParadox let's see you top this. B)


Yes, that is a retarded 8million. I didn't check the time, but I'm pretty sure it took well over an hour. I don't think a score this high should be possible...

@Wermy, can I request a better difficulty curve past the 1 Mil mark. It hits a plateau, and I feel like if I wanted to I could have played forever, I gave in at the end and stopped trying as hard.(Which you can see by the fact that I had 20 bombs left <_< )

My suggestions:

Remove the Triple Laser. I don't feel like I'm being punished for dying when I have a triple laser as back up. Especially the super fast triple you get at 1.2mil; I feel its far better than the quad.

Past 1mil spawn groups of the shooting enemies rather than one or two. I think 5-10 of them should spawn in lines similar to the other enemies, this should add quite a bit of difficulty.

Past 1mil make lives spawn only 350k-500k. Points rack up extremely quickly when you have quad laser and a sphere full of enemies. I was getting lives a lot faster than I was dying for a long time.

Also I think the bombs should spawn slower past this point as well.

Another thing. I thought of an interesting game mode that I think would be a lot of fun.

Have 0 lives, 5 of each bomb, the upgraded single laser, and see how long you can last. No bombs, lives, or weapons awarded for points. I think it would be extremely difficult to get a high score with 0 lives, and I think it would be a lot of fun to only have a single laser to work with.

Keep up the great work! I look forward to the next update, hopefully you increase the difficulty by some means!!
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1076014 is my best score. how do u have sgd take a screen shot? i have a few but idk how i oot them.
Select takes a SS.


Aight, PokeParadox let's see you top this. B)

View attachment 597

Yes, that is a retarded 8million. I didn't check the time, but I'm pretty sure it took well over an hour. I don't think a score this high should be possible...

@Wermy, can I request a better difficulty curve past the 1 Mil mark. It hits a plateau, and I feel like if I wanted to I could have played forever, I gave in at the end and stopped trying as hard.(Which you can see by the fact that I had 20 bombs left <_< )

My suggestions:

Remove the Triple Laser. I don't feel like I'm being punished for dying when I have a triple laser as back up. Especially the super fast triple you get at 1.2mil; I feel its far better than the quad.

Past 1mil spawn groups of the shooting enemies rather than one or two. I think 5-10 of them should spawn in lines similar to the other enemies, this should add quite a bit of difficulty.

Past 1mil make lives spawn only 350k-500k. Points rack up extremely quickly when you have quad laser and a sphere full of enemies. I was getting lives a lot faster than I was dying for a long time.

Also I think the bombs should spawn slower past this point as well.

Another thing. I thought of an interesting game mode that I think would be a lot of fun.

Have 0 lives, 5 of each bomb, the upgraded single laser, and see how long you can last. No bombs, lives, or weapons awarded for points. I think it would be extremely difficult to get a high score with 0 lives, and I think it would be a lot of fun to only have a single laser to work with.

Keep up the great work! I look forward to the next update, hopefully you increase the difficulty by some means!!

Thanks for the input! I was actually thinking yesterday about that very issue. I was thinking of making it start to spawn more and more special enemies. The special enemies are the enemy/asteroid-laying ships, the enemy/asteroid wells, and the shooting ones. Right now, one of them spawns every few waves of regular enemies. So, I was thinking when the difficulty starts to plateau, making more and more of those spawn each time. That should keep you from getting to 8 mil again... :D
Sounds good, I think groups of the shooting enemies would be a lot of fun to deal with.

And I think it would be neat if the stationary special enemies occasionally spawned in lines. You would run into a wall that would be extremely hard to get around. Random spawns would be fun and difficult, but a great wall of asteroid wells sounds insane!

I really think you should remove the upgraded triple laser even if you don't want to remove the triple completely. A super fast triple is better than a slower quad in my opinion. I don't think you should get an upgrade for dying.
I have been running into the same difficulty curve issue.

Suggestion to Wermy: I would like to see a Hard mode. Either make this mode bomb free, make enemies spawn faster, or something to that effect.

Reason: There comes a point where I just want to play a quick game. I want to get the highest score, but I do NOT have 15-30 minutes to play. That and there comes a point, with the new bomb structure and more liberal bomb generation, that the game is sustainable forever. I think the fixes noted above are a step in the right direction, although a dedicated hard mode or difficulty selection would be outstanding.