Certified Guru
Super Hexagon is a minimal action game by Terry Cavanagh, with music by Chipzel.
Terry kindly allowed to us to bundle the Android version with game data and apkenv+c4a support into this ready-to-use PND. The repo account to buy this from is associated with Terry's PayPal, so funds go directly to him. This version (like all others) is DRM free.
Get it here:
The only issue this version has is that ingame scoreboard doesn't work, because Android version is using Java to draw it and apkenv doesn't have a Java VM. This doesn't affect gameplay in any way though.
If you already bought the Android APK, you can also use it with apkenv or this PND from the repo:
although I suggest you to buy this again to encourage Terry to allow us to release his future games.

Terry kindly allowed to us to bundle the Android version with game data and apkenv+c4a support into this ready-to-use PND. The repo account to buy this from is associated with Terry's PayPal, so funds go directly to him. This version (like all others) is DRM free.
Get it here:
The only issue this version has is that ingame scoreboard doesn't work, because Android version is using Java to draw it and apkenv doesn't have a Java VM. This doesn't affect gameplay in any way though.
If you already bought the Android APK, you can also use it with apkenv or this PND from the repo:
although I suggest you to buy this again to encourage Terry to allow us to release his future games.
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