Release Super Geometry Dust

Hi !

Bye bye wermy ;)

New hiscore: 822 881

Bye, Magic Sam

EDIT: to be sure that people like me don't lie, maybe the best solution would be to have an online ranking system, where scores are not stored on our units but remotely (like on one of ED's servers) ?
torpor said:
BUG REPORT: I still have the problem with the latest version that, after a few seconds of play, some window pops up in the background and starts interfering with the GL context, such that there are texture glitches, and occasionally I see the network-password dialog. I think there is still something going on with mouse capture/GLES foreground-window context, because I think the X server is still getting events in the background, doing things, and blitting under the GLES context incorrectly.

Incidentally, I saw this behaviour in the early porting stages of Wakebreaker, where windows 'underneath' the full-screen GLES context were still active and blitting, but I haven't seen it since I patched up the GLES init code somewhat. Maybe there is something about that context being built that leaves X events active?

i had that problem with audiorace, too.

IIRC: the problem is, that the xwindow that gets created, doesnt get the focus automatically. so i *think* the fix was to call XSetInputFocus(display,window,RevertToPointerRoot,CurrentTime) on it.

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This looks awesome, can't wait to get my baby back to try this out. Thanks wermy, truly epic!
OK, I also tried this interesting looking game and it indeed plays very well. :) I actualy don't have much talent for this, I die every few seconds(I hate these fast yellow thingies), I only had around 100k Highscore, is there a trick in this game why everyone here seems to be invincible if I look at your High Scores. :ph34r:
@fusion_power: practice is the key ! You have to play rRootage, noiz2sa or any danmaku shooter by some crazy japanese coder for hours, until yours eyes bleed. Then, start a new Super Geometry Dust game. It'll be so slow, so easy in comparison that you'll reach high scores, real fast. I'm far from being a pro shmup player, but if I can reach 800k + points, everybody can :)
Maybe I'm to old for this. :D
Now I've got over 250K Score, with alot of luck of course. ^^ I don't even know what I've doing, over the time all gets blurry and I actualy don't see anything more than gazillion enemies and my ship always in between them. and over 100K Points its getting stressy enough for my tast, one of the games you need a towel after playing. But I'm really happy with my personal highscore right now, still pure luck for me to get over 100k.

However, the Arcade feeling is great and the sound/voice and the shakey effects are brilliant. :) ONE thing I would improve is when you drop a bomb and you die, the bomb seems to not explode and just vanishes. Would be cooler if your last dropped bomb before death would still explode after you've died, sure, it takes longer then to respawn but would add a nice feeling of revenge. :rolleyes:

EDIT2: because during heavy fighting, everythings to be more and more mixed up on screen, maybe the objects far away/behind the planet could be more faded to dark than the foreground objects so you can more clearly see whats actualy in front and what's not.
It's a good start, keep on playing :)
How old are you fusion_power ? I'm 29 and I still love shmups, even more than before !
When I play I try to make "the void" in my mind (not too hard in my case :P), I think about something else, and I let my hands play alone, then it's just pure reflexes. Some tips for you: use the transparency effect to know from where the enemies are coming, shoot the asteroids as soon as they crash on the sphere, kill the turrets and the ships first, the yellow enemies are the worst, when your weapons are at their maximum power try not to be killed, and enter in some kind of "defense" mode. You'll be too powerful for the enemies, your score will go up, and so will the extra lives and bomb...Good luck !
I'm 32 and I've played some shmups in the past, AFAIK it startet with a "Fighting Hawk" arcade back in 1991, Mallorca Holydays. Much later I successfuly finished the "Loop Master" from the 194x series per MAME and some NeoGeo shmups with alot of savestate abuse. On the Emulators I wasn't that bad on "Progear" but somehow I can do better results on vertical shooters instead of horizontal shooters, (Do)Donpachi, Mars Matrix 'n stuff like this. But I still have nightmares from "IKARUGA" - I was happy to reach the 2. boss. :D
Thanks for the tipps by the way. It is not easy to spot separate Enemies like turrets (there are turrets?!?! XD ) but I agree that these fast yellow thingies are the worst, actualy any enemy that swarms around you. ^^
I'm 41, and I can't reach 1,000,000 yet. But thats okay, I don't play games for points, just to waste time while traveling or so one. I easily quit.

I really hope the multiplayer possibilities of this game come to fruition, somehow! Possible?!
Gawwwd!!! Frustrating. I just die and die and die, I can be happy when reaching 200K points. If at least the bombs would give points. ^^ I actualy move very fast but the enemies are mooving even faster. I don't know, usualy I'm not that bad in Shooters I can keep up in rRootage, very nice game but there the bullets don't chase you, that's the difference. The only shooter where I am even worse than Super geometry dust is Garden of coloured lights where I thrown my 3 lives away in under one minute. :ph34r:

Can someone with skill and good Video Cam Equip make a Video where he reaches 1 Million Points in Geometry dust? Just to see, what I'm making wrong.
very very nice,

some of my favorite games, tempest (arcade) robotron (arcade) lamatron (atari st)
and probably favorite off all time tempest 2000 on the jaguar.

You have put together something rather special,
I dont know the game you say you have taken it from, but it looks like you have taken some insipation from the above games,

I think it would be nice to have a challange mode, similar to the way Tempest 2000 plays out,
Tempest plays out over 100 levels which get progressivly harder as you go, and intoduces new enemys as levels progress,

Things like the bombs, decoys are collectable drops as each level gets nearer the end, (incedently tempest 2000 has a jump up off the web feature which may well work in SGD ).

With level progression i love the way tempest worked, you could start from (i think it was) 2 levels behind what you get to. thing with levels after a really hectic few mins, your ship leaves the game, you see a bonus points screnn, next level intro starts, ship lands into the next level, you get that breather and here we go again feeling. but your always just a few minutes from the furtherest point you have got to in the game.

all in all really looking forward to the direction this game pans out. I think you got the defaco standard first game Im going to show people in future when they ask about my pandora, Very well done.

Could you add, nub calibration menu item? First time playing they were not calibrated and I could not steer my ship right.

And the game is brutal difficulty imo. Very fun!
Hi again,
Sorry it's been so long since I said I was working on an update. Work has been crazy busy, and I just haven't had any time until now. So here it is! :)

- Two new gameplay modes!
- Meteor Shower Mode: There are three structures on the sphere that you must protect from rocks, an invincible enemy well, and a whole lot of asteroids…
- Survival Mode: 3 of each bomb, one life, and zero super laser… How long can you last?
- New enemy: X-enemy. Takes a couple hits to kill, and moves very quickly…

- Fixed bug where high scores with an empty name entry would not be saved
- Fixed asteroid disappearing bug
- Fixed bug with bombs and asteroids… Bombs are *much* more effective against asteroids now.


- Laser shooting enemies are now treated as regular enemies, and can spawn in waves (but not circular waves around you. That just wouldn't be fair…)
- Made it so successive enemy waves would never be of the same type
- Adjusted difficulty ramping (shouldn't plateau as soon)
- Better-looking asteroid disappearing

You can download the new version at the repo:

Feedback (hopefully constructive) on the new gameplay modes is highly appreciated. :)