I have some feature requests and ideas.
Auto-Pause (Option):
When both joysticks are in their dead zone (centre) the game will pause, and unpause when the sticks are moved. Would be nice to be able to customize the amount of ms (0 to 200 say) the sticks have to be in their deadzone)
Marathon Mode:
When you die, you loose half the points you earned since your previous death (or game start if you did not die yet) and you do not loose a life.
Variable Power Mode:
This is tricky to explain, please try and follow. Currently your ship has a finite output of its thrusters and guns. With variable power mode when your ship is not moving it shoots faster, when your not shooting your ship moves faster. The cool thing is you can vary the ratio dynamically with the nubs. (If both nubs are as far as possible from the centre the ratio is 50:50 if your thrust nub is only halfway to between the centre and edge then the ratio is 75:25 or something like that.
Stylus steering and aiming (Not at the same time OFC).
Awesome game TYVM!
This should have gone in a different thread, you may delete if you wish.