Super Geometry Dust

Fantastic work so far, a combination of two of my most played 360/PS3 games on the Pandora, life doesn't get much better.

Do you have any plans to include support for playing your own music in game?

Can't wait to see how you progress with this.


How about including some form of collectible currency when you destroy enemies (like the geoms in Galaxies, added a nice risk/reward strategy) in order to upgrade/buy weapons etc, and a limited teleport move to escape danger, but at the cost of reappearing in a random location.

Maybe some stages with environmental hazards, asteroids and/or exploding objects that kill if collided with, but which also destroy nearby enemies when they explode.
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Hello again :)

Thanks for all the comments, and suggestions. I've just implemented a nice menu with options and stuff. I'll show it in another video whenever there's a bit more that's new over all. :)

This is cool, is a multiplayer version in the works?

That's certainly a possibility, but my experience in this type of stuff is pretty limited. For now, solid single-player is the goal. :)
Good. Considering the size of the Pandora's userbase (or lack thereof), multiplayer is the last thing you should worry about, unless you wanna release this multi-platform.
Add in a ton of shiny explosions and lines (like Geometry Wars, yes), and I would buy this game.

Seriously. At least ten bucks. If you're keeping it free though, do you accept donations?
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Add in a ton of shiny explosions and lines (like Geometry Wars, yes), and I would buy this game.

Seriously. At least ten bucks. If you're keeping it free though, do you accept donations?

I actually was working on making the explosions better-looking tonight. :)

It'll be free for pandora. I guess I could set up some way to donate - I'm really just doing it for fun though. :) If it turns out well, I thought about looking into porting to Android... Not sure though.
I love it and have abandoned my attempt at a Gridwars clone, instead anticipating this lovely project of yours to evolve into an awesome replacement! Please consider me for a beta test! :)
That looks superb, I really wanna play it! (:

Some ideas:

* Make it possible to start further in the game, i.e. like if you've already played a while with more/harder enemies and better weapons. One of the things that made me stop playing Geometry Wars was how you had to play for some minutes every single time until it got interesting.

* Maybe a black hole like enemy like the one in Geometry Wars? I loved those the most. ^^

* Some kind of enemy that absorbs other enemies by touching, thus getting bigger. When you shoot it it breaks down into smaller parts.

* Maybe something like the Asteroids asteroids, just floating in the way (not chasing you) but you should shoot them so they don't get in the way

* Powerup: A point defense system which shoots only once every second (or something similar) and targets the nearest enemy (as long as it's close enough).

* Powerup: A small wingman ship which accompanies you and shoots enemies, maybe colorcoded, i.e. a green wingman will only target green enemies (just so it's not simply another weapon upgrade). May be useful for difficult to hit or other dangerous enemies

* Perhaps getting hit won't instantly kill you but instead you just loose an upgrade, thus the game gets harder when hit but you still have a chance to get back into the game?

* On the same note, how about you get more points if you use *worse* weapons or powerups, thus if you actively ignore them (if they are for pickup or if you can buy them or perhaps one button discards the last obtained powerup) you get a harder game but also gain more points. Also if gaining new powerups are tied to the score (either by buying or just every X points) this could be a way to quickly regain powerups after loosing them when you got hit by an enemy (see the point above) if you survive long enough.

* If you can buy upgrades use the score as the currency. This way if you get better guns and thus the game is easier you also have a lower score. Or you could try to survive a longer time with worse weapons but are able to get the better stuff sooner.

* Maybe use a Fantasy Zone or Cloud Kid kind of store, i.e. every once in a while an object or stronger enemy shows up and if you destroy it you can get into the store to upgrade some stuff.

* Powerup: Decoy. Single uses like a bomb; a decoy flies around for some seconds and all enemies (or maybe those nearer to it than to you) will target it instead of you.

* If there are different kinds of weapons (like spread shots, lasers, etc.) maybe make it possible that they aren't exclusive but fire all at the same time (like Heavy Weapon), thus giving extreme firepower. ^^ Would propably only make sense if getting hit only makes you loose one weapon instead of everything and if there are enough enemies to still make it dangerous.

Ok I'll shut up now... (:
Wow! This is awesome! Can't wait! I used to stay up all night playing Geometry Wars with my friends, and you just took it to the next level! :DD
Great work, looking better every update :)

Also take a look at "Tilt to live" for the iPhone and iPod, it's heavily inspired by Geometry Wars and is very polished and near perfect.

It has a "Code Red" mode, which gets to the action much quicker (by spawning tons of enemies in the first few seconds, but also much more power-ups), but also leads to quicker deaths obviously. Still it's mad fun.

Then there is a "Gaunlet" mode, which pits you against formations of enemies you have to avoid without using weapons (might not make much sense in your case).

Last but not least it has a good scoring system using a combinations of points (for killing enemies depending on weapon - I like Emnasut's idea of making the bad weapons give more points!) and a multiplier (which increases by every enemy killed).

Here is a trailer:

Bottom line, it is great (easily one of the best games available for a phone) and I think many things done right there can also be applied to Super Geometry Dust.
I really like the asteroids idea - you could do a level which just contains asteroids - with enough fragments flying around the 'planet' in 3D it would be pretty frantic..
If you take Emnasuts level ideas, it might be a nice change of pace that every 5 or 10 levels it just switches temporarily to an asteroids, or special enemy version, or better yet maybe a counter that after X number of enemies are swallowed by s black hole there is some sort of explosion or effect that causes the temporary change. Maybe this is an idea for version 2 of the game, in any case, it might be enough to distinguish it apart gameplay wise if you decide to sell it on Android or what not. It would definitely increase donations as well.

You have a very refreshing take on this here, and while some of these suggestions may seem a lot, over time I believe the could really make this game stand apart from the others, it already looks like it's going to, it's going to be a great game. Can't wait to get a Pandora and eventually give this a shot, it's currently at the top of my homebrew wishlist already!

thanks again!
I've actually planned to do the astroids from the beginning - that was a big part of Super Stardust HD. :)

Here's the way Super Stardust does it:

Once I have enemies and waves of enemies behaving the way I like (I've got a few ideas for new enemies that I'll implement this weekend), I'll work on the astroids. They may not even make it into the first version, though I actually don't think they will be hard to implement so who knows. This is a fun project so far! :D