Something has gone wrong.

Offtopic or not? I've got deja vu here.
ED, please, tell me is it really true what ZX Dunny claims now:
> And as far as I'm aware, everyone who ordered a Pandora got one...

As I'm aware, Craig left at least hundreds of undelivered orders (Pandoras, not ICP+). Including mine.
I'm not sure how much was he involved with Pandora software projects (I know of his SpecBAS Pandora port), but I do remember that he was polite to Craig much longer then most of folks here. And I do know that he helped Mr. Levy of Vega+ to recover some crucial data etc (his own words at related topic here).
Great fellowship here...
This is all going now at FB "Retro Computers Ltd Vega Plus Public Discussion" closed group, I'm sure someone here is a member so it can be seen.
Offtopic or not? I've got deja vu here.
ED, please, tell me is it really true what ZX Dunny claims now:
> And as far as I'm aware, everyone who ordered a Pandora got one...

As I'm aware, Craig left at least hundreds of undelivered orders (Pandoras, not ICP+). Including mine.
I'm not sure how much was he involved with Pandora software projects (I know of his SpecBAS Pandora port), but I do remember that he was polite to Craig much longer then most of folks here. And I do know that he helped Mr. Levy of Vega+ to recover some crucial data etc (his own words at related topic here).
Great fellowship here...
This is all going now at FB "Retro Computers Ltd Vega Plus Public Discussion" closed group, I'm sure someone here is a member so it can be seen.

To my knowledge this is incorrect.
You had me honestly scared for a second.
I knew that there was a risk of something failing or an issue creeping up that was missed until now.
So my first thought was "Oh no, that means no Pyra for another year".
My second thought was "Well, at least he's open about it."
After actually reading more than just the Subject my though was "What a troll :D"

Glad to see the progress!
You utter, utter bastard, ED! ;)

Great to hear that for once you were able to create a news post where the only bad news was the news we knew about exactly already.

FWIW, my current setup for watching youtube vids on this slow old netbook can't handle live streams, but I can hang on the IRC side of things if someone watching can tell me if my questions are getting answered.
Since we're this far down the logo plate process, we're getting logo plates. They will be aluminum cutouts held in with adhesive.

If given the choice on finish, I would just as soon have them be raw, no-surface-treatment, dull aluminum.
Ed you jerk my heart sank when I read the title.

Huge congratulations to you for getting us all this far. Here's hoping the progress carries at this clip.

There goes any interest I had in getting a Win.
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I mean, yes. Seriously. I can't explain it.
I've received a few cases from Greece and from what I can tell so far, they are fine now.
The last two issues (rattling stylus and non-optimized shoulder buttons) seem to be fixed now.

As unlikely as this sounds... it has happened.
That can't be right, can it?

Okay, at least something is not correct yet: The logo plates are painted, not anodized (which looks ugly), but they fit - so getting the correct material is the only thing left (and I could get these made in Germany as well).

From the above I'm assuming that you have assembled at least one or more working or stunt Pyras using these cases and previous generation boards.

So, even if you're not happy with the logo surround, how about a few dozen pictures?
Is there possibility to have gpd win 2 with 4G modem but not as external huge stick?
if it were console only I would prefer GPD win 2. but I need to replace my main phone, so here pyra wins
Please help in the case, be it hardware mod or anything.

Pyra has only three things worse than GPD Win 2:
slower CPU
no x86 compatibility
one row keyboard less

rest is same or better :p
Since we're this far down the logo plate process, we're getting logo plates. They will be aluminum cutouts held in with adhesive.

If given the choice on finish, I would just as soon have them be raw, no-surface-treatment, dull aluminum.

This x1000. The less painted stuff that will scrape off with time, the better. And why spend money on any tinting or anodization?
This x1000. The less painted stuff that will scrape off with time, the better. And why spend money on any tinting or anodization?
Some people probably want the logo plate to match the color of the case. I would rather have it be like a nice shiny silver airplane.
This x1000. The less painted stuff that will scrape off with time, the better. And why spend money on any tinting or anodization?

Anodizing actually has a function besides colouring the metal. It builds up a thicker oxide layer to resist scratches and such. You don't actually have to dye it. I would be willing to bet that was what was supposed to happen (as I can't imagine ED picking a color besides plain silver for the back plate). Instead, the company probably put a clear coat on it, and those usually look awful.
Anodizing actually has a function besides colouring the metal. It builds up a thicker oxide layer to resist scratches and such. You don't actually have to dye it. I would be willing to bet that was what was supposed to happen (as I can't imagine ED picking a color besides plain silver for the back plate). Instead, the company probably put a clear coat on it, and those usually look awful.

Yep. Anodized is what I requested.
And why spend money on any tinting or anodization?
Anodizing aluminum is effectively free on large runs: it costs a couple bucks to anodize a full sheet from which you get dozens, possibly hundreds of plates, bringing the per unit price to pennies or less, and etching them after is just part of the cutting process so no added cost there.
Not to mention the actual arguments in favour of anodizing vs not.
They probably didn't find a source for anodized aluminium.

Another quick note: I assembled a unit with the cooling pads applied and it seems to do it's job well.
Even with 100% CPU Load (on 1GHz) on both cores, it didn't get really warm. CPU was at 57°C, battery stayed at a cool 36°C and you didn't even feel it getting warm.

This doesn't mean you will be able to run everything without throttling (going higher than 1GHz exponentionally increases power usage and heat production), but without the cooling pad, you could even feel it getting warm idling around :)
So playing Tetris in Bed under the blanket in Summer would not be an issue for the Pyra??

Im curious in which heat enfroichment the Pyra can operate

Also ist Tetris Spielen im Sommer unter der Bettdecke kein Problem für die Pyra??
Ich frage mich sowieso bei welcher Außentemperatur die Pyra benutzbar ist..
To be honest: I needed to read the thread 2-3 times to get it.

Nice. So they finally did it.

I'm looking forward to see the production run going on.
After my exams I'll come for a visit :)
Und wieviele Hitze kann die Pyra jetzt ab nachdem die Wärmeleitung so gut funktioniert??

Oder ist die Wärme von außen weniger ein Problem weil die CPU mehr Wärme entwickelt als wir hier in Europa je haben werden ??