Shortest newspost ever... for now!

After 10 pages, it's only natural for threads to have lost their relevance...

^ Am I missing some inspired relevancy that has to this thread?
Yes. The minion language has loaned from portuguese, english, french, japanese and a few other languages. So if you know these, you actually understand what they are saying.

We have strayed from the path! This should be a keyboard thread by now...
I actually learned the Latin pronunciation of the Caesarian era in school. Granted, my teacher was really one of a kind - he started making his own low-priced school "books" (monochrome printed stapled standard paper) for our lessons and soon teachers all over the place suddenly started using them as well...
What is the place structure of the tanru denpa masti?
It's been a few years though, I had this one sentence in my notes (and it finally came handy). Defining times is complex.

Wouldn't .i mi tavla la lojban translate to I am talking to lojban?
Hmm, "la" is like "nu volgt een zelfstandig naamwoord"/substantief /The next word is with a capital. See
So you can translate it as: I speak the one(s) called Lojban (note capital L in Lojban)
But also like: la .alis. cu prami la .kevin. = Alice loves Kevin

Not putting anything (like I erroneously did) is like

.i mi tavla baurnuludu = I speak to dutch [something?]
.i mi tavla lo [prenu] baurnuludu = I speak to dutch [people]
.i mi tavla la baurnuludu = I speak [THE] Dutch [language] (bau=language; bau rnuludu ~ Nederlands ==Dutch)

With a little help of:

.i mi tavla la lojban = I speak the Lojban language
.i mi tavla lojban = Syntax error. Does not parse in Lojban.

It is a language we could be communicating with A.I. in, in the near future. So don't write it off yet.
Yes, la signifies that a cmene follows, i.e. a proper noun or name.

I still think the usage is incorrect.
tavla x1 talks/speaks to x2 about subject x3 in language x4
In the sentence: .i mi tavla la lojban you are putting the name Lojban in the x2 slot. When you say you speak lojban then you want to put it in x4. Hence: .i mi tavla zo'e zo'e la lojban or alternatively .i mi tavla fo la lojban

I usually use se bangu (using se to swap the x1 and x2 places)
bangu x1 is a/the language/dialect used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote)
.i mi se bangu la lojban
.i mi se bangu lo jbobau

My preference is lo jbobau over la lojban. The lujvo lojban predicates being a logical type of langauge (loglan, lojban, toaq), while the lujvo jbobau predicated being a lojbanic type of language (lojban and all its dialects, experimental cmavo etc...). That is also why one uses la lojban i.e. the name of the language over lo lojban a logical language. That said, I also just like the sound of jbobau better :)

logji x1 [rules/methods] is a logic for deducing/concluding/inferring/reasoning to/about x2 (du'u), loj
lojbo x1 reflects [Loglandic]/Lojbanic language/culture/nationality/community in aspect x2, lob jbo
bangu x1 is a/the language/dialect used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote), ban bau