Some Quick Sneak Peeks


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003

I didn't have much time lately (tons of real life work stuff... bummer), but I had a few minutes today to import the final case data (the one that is currently being moulded) and render two pics.
Those are NOT pretty (didn't have time to properly setup the lights and material), but you should be able to see the font of the final keymat and also the revamped bottom of the Pandora.

As soon as I find more time, I'm gonna make it prettier, promised :)

Revamped bottom
color me excited, thanks Ed they looks great!

ooh, a hole for a strap, I didn't see that before.
EvilDragon said:

I didn't have much time lately (tons of real life work stuff... bummer), but I had a few minutes today to import the final case data (the one that is currently being moulded) and render two pics.
Those are NOT pretty (didn't have time to properly setup the lights and material), but you should be able to see the font of the final keymat and also the revamped bottom of the Pandora.

As soon as I find more time, I'm gonna make it prettier, promised :)

Revamped bottom

What was wrong with the last bottom? I quite liked it.

-God Ginrai
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MonkeyChops said:
color me excited, thanks Ed they looks great!

ooh, a hole for a strap, I didn't see that before.

thats the stylus. (edit) yes i see the hole lol
great to see the battery cover clips off instesd of sliding
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I'm a fan of the battery cover change. This seems like it would cause less problems.
Phawx said:
I'm a fan of the battery cover change. This seems like it would cause less problems.

How so? I'd prefer screws over this. Those bendable clips always break.

-God Ginrai
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lulzfish said:
It's sort of like a remote control battery cover.
I'd rather have that than sliding, it's a little more secure but more tool-less.

And almost every remote gets that ghetto tapejob on the back to keep the battery cover on because those things always break.

-God Ginrai
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spare battery covers: $19.95

they need to make money somewhere :p

edit: just had a thought:
Perhaps the new battery cover design is to better facilitate a bigger cover that would be required for a future extended battery?

I Don't know who would want a thicker pandora just for more battery life when you are already getting 10+ hours though...
Good to see they Changed the Battery Cover from sliding sideway to clips, that way I can't accidentaly open it. :p
And seriosly, how often do you need to change the battery of a device capable of charging it itself?

Also a relief to see there are small rubber/plastic feets.
Kimundi said:
Good to see they Changed the Battery Cover from sliding sideway to clips, that way I can't accidentaly open it. :p
And seriosly, how often do you need to change the battery of a device capable of charging it itself?

Also a relief to see there are small rubber/plastic feets.

Those clips invite fiddling. Don't tell me you've never taken a battery cover off just because you could.

-God Ginrai
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I'm sure they went with this design over the old one for a good reason. This looks sturdier, clips look big and thick enough to take some wear and tear.

I've just though of something, how much extra weight does the battery add to the whole console? I'm thinking getting lower capacity/smaller battery as an optional purchasable extra might actually be a good idea for those what want a lighter console, but don't mind using it at shorter lengths of time.
God Ginrai said:
Those clips invite fiddling. Don't tell me you've never taken a battery cover off just because you could.
Fiddle with something else then.
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God Ginrai said:
Phawx said:
I'm a fan of the battery cover change. This seems like it would cause less problems.

How so? I'd prefer screws over this. Those bendable clips always break.

-God Ginrai

My problem with slide on cases, is they are *usually* tension fitted. My problem with a tension fitting is over time, the friction wears away at the extrusion, resulting in a case that doesn't "lock". Then it would be sliding around all the time and I would have to tape it shut.

Personally for me, IMO, screws would be the best solution. I rarely fiddle with the battery compartment and I don't plan on carrying a spare, so screws would be the best solution for me. However, I know some people like spare batteries and in that event, a double bendable clip seems less prone to wear and tear then tension fitting.

Regarding fiddling, I've worn away a tension fit lock *because* I fiddled with it. Open/Close/Open/'s not locking. :(

I think the best battery cover would be one with screws, and we could use the back end of the stylus to unscrew the case. Provided there was an impression on the back of the stylus to facilitate that. Like if it was Phillips #2 shaped.
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Theres 2 clips, so if one breaks, you still have another holding the bottom on :)

Plus, I've never broken one of these covers. Maybe thats because my devices with these kind of battery compartments are typically opened just twice a year? Sometimes less.

I used to have a remote control that had a sliding battery compartment cover. Now that was crap, even fully closed it could fall off, as the final clip wasn't strong enough.

My sat nav battery is screw fitting, but since it charges itself via usb, I've never removed it in the last 2 years.
I always though the old sliding cover was a bad idea because it slid across the line where your hands would be. If there wasn't enough friction in the clip (and would lower over use) you could accidentally remove it, lose it, or drop your pandora. Its far better this way and like squidge said if one breaks you have a back up.

Thanks for the update ED.
Phawx said:
I think the best battery cover would be one with screws, and we could use the back end of the stylus to unscrew the case. Provided there was an impression on the back of the stylus to facilitate that. Like if it was Phillips #2 shaped.

The only problem with that is, that we are in a minority compared to all the people who bitched abut it having screws when the battery cover was first unveiled.

-God Ginrai
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