Some Quick Sneak Peeks

this is the first time I've gotten to something before Gruso :p
I like this style cover better, like Phawx said, it moves the wear point to the battery cover.
God Ginrai said:
Phawx said:
I think the best battery cover would be one with screws, and we could use the back end of the stylus to unscrew the case. Provided there was an impression on the back of the stylus to facilitate that. Like if it was Phillips #2 shaped.

The only problem with that is, that we are in a minority compared to all the people who bitched abut it having screws when the battery cover was first unveiled.

-God Ginrai

I like ED's new bottom renders. I have no idea what his bottom is like (and less interest) but I prefer clips for the battery over sliding. the IDEAL from my POV would be a combination of clips and screws (or at least screw holes) so that if one wants it firmly fixed in place - voila, screws! If one prefers to be able to ship the battery out in a second, ommit the screws and rely on just the clips.

But clips should be good enough - and I haven't lost a lot of batteries due to clip failure (whereas slide-off failures...ARGH!)
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God Ginrai, I understand that you are part of a minority who prefers the screws. The others might see it like how a computer builder would see a tool-less setup for putting in drives, cards and the such.
I personally prefer the clips, but I don't think I will be replacing the battery all that often.
Ultimately though, the majority gets the preference, but you aren't ignored.
Monk said:
the IDEAL from my POV would be a combination of clips and screws (or at least screw holes) so that if one wants it firmly fixed in place - voila, screws! If one prefers to be able to ship the battery out in a second, ommit the screws and rely on just the clips.

That seems like a really good idea, and I think I've seen it somewhere before... Ah, that's how my Tablet PC was set up. It had a traditional latch for the battery, but there was also a security screw that overrode the latch in case you REALLY didn't want to risk dropping the battery out.
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This is soo stupid. We're arguing over the battery cover? <_<

I like it Ed. Except for the choice of blue on the k <_< eymat...
I don't see why EvilDragon thinks these look bad. They look good and I'm glad it isn't a slide off back. My phone has a slide off battery cover and it barely stays on.
Username said:
These look awesome. I know how people complained about the lack of a lanyard hole, seems like a nice addition.

That's been there for a while.

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
EvilDragon said:

I didn't have much time lately (tons of real life work stuff... bummer), but I had a few minutes today to import the final case data (the one that is currently being moulded) and render two pics.
Those are NOT pretty (didn't have time to properly setup the lights and material), but you should be able to see the font of the final keymat and also the revamped bottom of the Pandora.

As soon as I find more time, I'm gonna make it prettier, promised :)

Revamped bottom

What was wrong with the last bottom? I quite liked it.

-God Ginrai

from what i know on Plastic Moulding and injection, the Sliding Design is extremely much more complex than the actual model, this is due when the mould opens the case would be stuck on the slider side, so there are 2 solutions both of them very expensive or non stable.

* Create a Ejection pin based Mold dynamics the best option, but it would skyrockedt the mould price.
this is the equivalent of making a elbow mould.

* Use a BruteForce (Pneumatics, hydraulic pin, and some lubrication) to push it out of the Mould while Hot and Bendable. (no one really does that nowadays.

thats why slideable options are only used to be seen on flat like moulds so it can be slided like an actual sheet of plastic.

(hope someone of the OP team tell me if it was because of these causes that they changed the batt cover)
and as for my opinion, i would def prefer a screw based cover. most stable of all (its not like im going to change the batt for a long long loooong time) unless i want to disassemble the panda

and i dont know why EvilDragon said it was not looking good, but i say hey thats superb, at least until we get the actual case.
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DroneB Dev said:
God Ginrai said:
EvilDragon said:

I didn't have much time lately (tons of real life work stuff... bummer), but I had a few minutes today to import the final case data (the one that is currently being moulded) and render two pics.
Those are NOT pretty (didn't have time to properly setup the lights and material), but you should be able to see the font of the final keymat and also the revamped bottom of the Pandora.

As soon as I find more time, I'm gonna make it prettier, promised :)

Revamped bottom

What was wrong with the last bottom? I quite liked it.

-God Ginrai

from what i know on Plastic Moulding and injection, the Sliding Design is extremely much more complex than the actual model, this is due when the mould opens the case would be stuck on the slider side, so there are 2 solutions both of them very expensive or non stable.

* Create a Ejection pin based Mold dynamics the best option, but it would skyrockedt the mould price.
this is the equivalent of making a elbow mould.

* Use a BruteForce (Pneumatics, hydraulic pin, and some lubrication) to push it out of the Mould while Hot and Bendable. (no one really does that nowadays.

thats why slideable options are only used to be seen on flat like moulds so it can be slided like an actual sheet of plastic.

(hope someone of the OP team tell me if it was because of these causes that they changed the batt cover)
and as for my opinion, i would def prefer a screw based cover. most stable of all (its not like im going to change the batt for a long long loooong time) unless i want to disassemble the panda

and i dont know why EvilDragon said it was not looking good, but i say hey thats superb, at least until we get the actual case.

That sounds agreeable. Still don't think the switch to that type of latch was the greatest idea.

-God Ginrai
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actually on this ver of the lid, it will be much more easy to atach LR2 btns, plus a Panda Batt on steroids (a stack of panda batts? or the big 18000mAh bad boy)

and i see tons of mods much more easy and more safe, since the batt can be easily unplgued and plugged onto a external addon like a HD

the former lslide model wouldnt allow to atach addons so easy so im happy for the change
I like the clips as well.

The clips have one weak point and that is it can break with too much fiddling.

Screw have 3 weak points.
1) The groove for the screw gets warn out.
... Not very likely, but still a possibility, especially if you are going to fiddle with it alot.
2) You drop that tiny screw and can't find it.
... I don't know about you guys, but I've dropped and lost plenty of tiny screws before.
3) Carrying a tool for that screw.
... If you intend to use the Pandora on a plane, good luck bringing a screw driver type of tool aboard.
... If we go with Phawx's suggestion of using the back end of the stylus, that would make the stylus proprietary. Not something we want, well, not something I want. And if you lose that stylus...