I am probably the lowest common denominator of potential Prya buyers, at least for the next few years while things settle down. I know a little about linux, I do run it as my main OS, however I an not a power user by any stretch. GUI if I can at all help it kind of person. Just work as a handyman, and the only "coding" I know is what little shell scripting I have picked up (I can change pcmanfm's wallpaper: ) ).
Now this is a very dumb end users experience, on an old version of Ubuntu. (9.04 I believe)...
However, the alsa v pulse argument is something I do know about, as when I started using linux, Ubuntu used Alsa. And I wanted Bluetooth headphones. I hated it. Damnation, the amount of work I needed to do to get Bluetooth audio working sucked so much. It maybe something alot of you here can do easy, but for me it was hell.
Then I heard about this shitty audio backend that was trying to replace Alsa. I installed it, and pavucontrol, and it just worked, and beautifully. I could have, and did have, me listening to something with Bluetooth, my brother listening to something else with a usb sound card, and the speakers playing the audio for the movie my other brother was watching as we went down the road.
Pulse was, for dumb users like me, a god send. Even someone as ignorant as me could do magic with it. It may have lots of issue surrounding it, but for extending the reach of a product to dumb users, its amazing. Kinda like systemd, but that's a whole nother can of worms
So, while you can go to just alsa, and there are good reasons to do it, if you can get pulse to work, I believe it would be a good idea. If nothing else, it would make the dumber end users able to wield its power more handily, leaving it at least seemingly a better product then with alsa and some scripts.
But again, just the thoughts of the lowest common denominator here. I don't know what 'is' possible.
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