Pyra news partially stale from the dragon's mouth

How dit the Testrun went, or will you make a big Newsposts when you are back from Greece next week ?

Whit best regards, Matthias

Was this even the Right Englisch??

Thanks for the Answer,
I saw the Prototypes on Twitter but I ditnt knew what they mean:
Wasn’t this Testrun meant to check how big the Failure Rates where ??
So when these Boards are all running, this means whe have no failure rate??

Whit best regards, Matthias
No, the testrun is mainly to inspect the component placement on the boards afterwards with AOI (Automatic optical inspection) as well as a microscope to make some final tweaks in the machine / temperature setup.
The more accurate your data is, the lower your failure rate is in a mass production.
:eek: where is the volume wheel?
If it's right out of board assembly, the plastic wheel is likely just not put on yet.

Although in this case after looking closer it looks not populated. It's likely something that may require manual soldering.
Yes, ED explained on twitter that the through hole parts aren't populated automatically, and need to be manually tacked on later on. The volume wheel was one part and (goes to check) USB port the other.
Was this even the Right Englisch??
Nicht einwandfrei, aber verstaendlich und eindeutig. Falls Du um Korrektur bittest:
 How did the test run go? Or, will you make a big news post, when you are back from Greece next week?
Post automatically merged:

"Dit" is Berlinerisch, nich Englisch. :)
Ich hab gedacht „dit“ ist die Vergangenheitsform von do (tun)
Also im Grunde wie der Testrun geklappt hat..
Manchmal nutze ich auch deutsche Grammatik im Englischen oder nutze Worte bei denen ich glaube das sie stimmen ^^

Whit best regards, Matthias
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Ich hab gedacht „dit“ ist die Vergangenheitsform von do (tun)
Nee, dit is "did". :)
Also, in German we stopped to distinguish between voiced and unvoiced consonants at word endings - or rather before glottal stops. We don't articulate them voiced, nor do we hear them voiced - even when they are presented to us that way. We need to make an effort to learn to hear it and also to learn to articulate it.
So e.g. in "Ich stand" we say and here a T at the end, in "Wir standen" it is an actual D. Several times I spent hours making an effort to articulate bed, bad, bet, and bat differently and trying to here the differences. I still need to pay attention.
Are the new magnets known to be strong enough to trigger the lid switch? I do not remember whether that has been mentioned, yet.

Also, I wonder whether the coronavirus in China could mess up the supply chain in any way? Are the heat-sinks and heat-pipes from China?

Thanks for keeping us updated! Personally, the closer things seem to get, the more impatient I become. :)
Coronavirus has only affected people who guzzle down mexican corona beer and it has no effect on he pyra
IIRC we already have all the components which would usually have to be imported from China, so at the very least the first batch should not be affected much by the corona virus. I'm more worried about factory time since some production is now moving out of China, but we already seem to have our factory time reserved.

We'll see what the state of the situation is for the second batch but I think it's too early to worry about that.