What I did so far is making Pandora like scripts for Keyboard, LCD and LED backlight control.
Still need to upload them.
Don't expect miracles form my side
Were you able to tie the LED backlight to the backlight button OK? There were a few ideas around it's function - I'm curious how you did the implementation.
One idea - pretty basic, up goes up until max and it stays there.
Idea two - up goes up to top then loops to off.
Pressing the brightness key by itself = screen brightness up.
Shift + brightness = screen brightness down.
Fn + brightness = keyboard brightness up.
Fn + Shift + brightness = keyboard brightness down.
Other ideas for expanded use:
Alt + brightness = Other LED brightness up (indicator & Lid & power LEDs).
Alt + shift+brightness = Other LED brightness down
Ctrl + brightness = software volume up
Ctrl + shift + brightness = software volume down
Fn + Ctrl + brightness = rumble motor intensity up
Fn + Ctrl + shift + brightness = rumble motor intensity down
Fn + Alt + Ctrl + Brightness = Easter Egg All LEDs 'disco' mode.
Fn + Alt + Ctrl + Shift + Brightness = Easter Egg All LEDs 'disco' mode off.
Just giving you ideas...
Thanks again for the updates!