That with a black PCB would be glorious.
Edit, it would maybe be possible to use the open spaces where the battery cover fastens to put heatsinks in. Then possibly fasten them to the walls in the channel. Then run something like a graphene sheet between the heatsink and the SoC.
Something similar has already been done on the USB ports, you can see them in the picture.
Not a heatsink, but some copper feather contacts (which I had lying around), good enough for a test.
Question is: Where do you get such tiny heatsinks from to put them in there?
View attachment 28202
Looks great!
A question, just out of curiousity : The Lid section is a bit assymetrical. There are more holes and the right side than on the left, (only on the left side with screws, as it seems because the lcd pcb is too big and probably would need somes holes too/additional cutting yet)
What are the additional holes on the right side for? They also seem to be a bit smaller than the other screw holes.
Only two sides have screws (bottom and left), the rest has clips (as the screen is too big).
Opening it makes things a lot easier than on the Pandora: Open the screws and as the clips are not all way round, you can easily remove the frame.
The "fake" screw holes are meant to maybe put some cover in (like with the early Pandoras), so the screws and the fake screws are covered with the same pads which will make it look symmetrical.
How labor intensive will it be to add that during production? If it isn't there will it damage or shorten the lifetime of the battery, or maybe even cause it to catch on fire and burn down a workspace?
This is manually applied for testing. For production, we will use pre-cut stickers, so it's fast and easy to apply them to.
@EvilDragon in the current case color poll clear is pretty popular. Is there a chance you would consider that as a production case color option?
Yes, I might offer a transparent case in a limited production run as well
I am now curious if those are the final screws as well.
Yes, those are Pandoras screws (and unlike on the Pandora, they work properly with that plastic

We still got 50.000 of those lying around...
Is it me or is there a crack at the hinge region?
No, I think what you see as a crack are just remainders from the gaffa tape we used to keep the printed case backside together with the front frame (the screws didn't really hold it down).