I have no mouse arrow on the screen, but I suppose that in the Pandora it works in a different way, maybe it uses the "overlay" (??)
Anyway I'm still trying different parameters and drivers, and I obtained a really fluid gameplay, but still it crashes (segfault on the logs) at random times .... or at least, seems to me that happens mostly during transitions from different visuals...
for example:
- at the start of a battle, just before the change of view (happens very rarely now that I deactivated the "Enhanced resolution", before was always happening)
- at the end of the battle, just after exiting the winning screen
- before or after an FMV
- when exiting an area
I have to constantly save at every step.
With "Chrono Trigger" I had no issues at all, I finished the game smoothly...
so I think that the problems may be related to the fact that "Chrono Cross" is a 3D game...
I didn't see in the options hacks related to this game in particular, but I'm trying different combination of compatibility flags ...