Release Pcsx-Rearmed

DJRoby4 said:
Medievil 2 works with spnull. You should (if you can) fix this! :D

you can try medieval II with the original bios too, could be that.
Making a game run properly on such emulator is quite a work on messing with the settings.
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Did someone played "Chrono Cross" on PCSX-Rearmed from Pandora lately ?

I'm experiencing a lot of crashes, and I'm not sure if it's just so unstable.

First of all I had to disable the "Enhanced resolution", or at the beginning of every fight I had a crash to desktop. (Just after touching an enemy and a little explosion happens, before the actual combat screen.)

Now I can play, but there's still a high probability that after a fight it randomly crashes...

I tried playing with a lot of options but I'm not seeing so much difference in stability.

Also, as a second question, why the "Fast Forward" function (7 key) doesn't work on "Chrono Cross" ?
It works with "Chrono Trigger" ...
I played crono cross on pyra the other night. Just tested pcsx didn't get to a battle so can't help there.

I was a bit annoyed at that the mouse arrow (a) would not disappear and (b) always relocated to center screen. Does this affect you? Do you know how to solve it?
I have no mouse arrow on the screen, but I suppose that in the Pandora it works in a different way, maybe it uses the "overlay" (??)

Anyway I'm still trying different parameters and drivers, and I obtained a really fluid gameplay, but still it crashes (segfault on the logs) at random times .... or at least, seems to me that happens mostly during transitions from different visuals...
for example:
- at the start of a battle, just before the change of view (happens very rarely now that I deactivated the "Enhanced resolution", before was always happening)
- at the end of the battle, just after exiting the winning screen
- before or after an FMV
- when exiting an area

I have to constantly save at every step.

With "Chrono Trigger" I had no issues at all, I finished the game smoothly...
so I think that the problems may be related to the fact that "Chrono Cross" is a 3D game...

I didn't see in the options hacks related to this game in particular, but I'm trying different combination of compatibility flags ...
I haven't played Chrono Cross but the few PSX games I've played on the Pandora, both 2D and 3D, worked fine.

I'd suggest:
- Trying another 3D driver (I don't remember the one I use)
- Making sure you have the latest version or, if you have, trying to downgrade to an earlier version
I know where it crashes for you, it's where it would slow down drastically zooming in/out of battles for me on rpi3. Sound would garble too. So CPU starved I assume maybe. I was playing at 2x resolution with a few hacks enabled. All other psx games played perfectly fwiw. I'm not helping ...

I love Chrono Trigger. Check out this jazz rendition:

it's where it would slow down drastically zooming in/out of battles for me on rpi3
At the default settings there was indeed a slowdown before the crash, but after playing with the options now is really fluid... it just die to desktop... there must be something sound or graphic related that is triggered...
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- Making sure you have the latest version or, if you have, trying to downgrade to an earlier version
I have the latest from the repo


ooooh !! I didn't know the repo had previous versions too :cool:
So, seems like the issue was the NEON GPU plugin (the built-in one)... it's fast and all but it goes segfault almost every 5 minutes of play...

The gpu-unai plugin seems stable, I played for two hours without a crash, it's pretty fast during gameplay (even without frameskip), there's only a 1/2 seconds of slowdown just before entering combat, but after that everything is smooth.
Clearly you're overclocking too much. Whatever "stable" overclock you may have is much lower on heavy NEON use.

I've uploaded r25 BTW. It is a maintenance release, mostly game compatibility fixes only.
Not seen you on the forums for a while, hope you are doing good ;)

Do you know why an overclock and heavy use on NEON cause instability, does the NEON draw too much power?
I play at 1000, the device in general never had issues at that speed, but i'll try lowering it to test again that plugin.
Yes NEON draws lots of power and causes more heat. I remember NEON stress tests causing problems on my Pyra prototype.

I also remember on DM3730 1GHz requiring some power calibration feature to be implemented (was it smartreflex?) that we never managed to do. I think we never saw 1GHz not working even without smartreflex, but perhaps some units exist. Just looked at the manual and it says only up to 800MHz should be used without smartreflex. It also specifies POH (power on hours?) as 75K at 1GHz and >100K at 600MHz, so maybe it's some kind of aging too.
I tried NEON plugin starting from 300 to 600 Mhz at the default settings but on "Chrono Cross" was still too slow.
Then I disabled Enhanced resolution and became very playable with little slowdowns here and there, and for now I had no segfaults.

As it is seems working a little better than the gpu-unai plugin, but I'll do more tries to find out the max stable speed I could use, along with the updated version (thank you !).

Do you know why the Fast Forward function doesn't work with this game ?
I used it a lot with "Chrono Trigger", but with "Chrono Cross" the button seems doing nothing.
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In the end I found out that the NEON Plugin works OK with CPU speed up to 700 Mhz.
There is still a little slowdown before the fights, but seems to happen less times than with the other plugins.

Also, about the "Fast Forward" function not working, I compared the configuration files for "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross" and found out that the second was missing the key binding ... I'm not sure how that happened, I never changed these options, anyway now it works and I can speed up the game at will.