That depends on whether you can have possessions without existing and on whether the place in the Pyra pre-order list is considered to be a thing that people can posses or not. Maybe saying that someone owns a place in the queue is just short-hand for saying that ED plans to send someone a Pyra on a certain time relative to when he sends other Pyrii to certain people which may or may not be other people.
Good. It might be interesting to know how ED is going to figure out Brexit and shipping, customs VAT and stuff.
But arguing what ED is going to do to fulfill orders for dead or anyhow no longer existent (pre)+orderers is beyond me.
In any case, I'd like to humbly beg for all of you a kind favor. I don't think it's in the forum rules yet but it would help my peace of mind (the peace of the piece of my mind that's left) :
If you ever die or cease existing and thereafter you get a Pyra, can you pretty please don't post any unboxing video to the forums ?
At least can you put it inside an spoiler tag with a big visible warning on what it is ?
Pretty please.
Thank you.
(I don't like zombie movies. I seem to be immunised to zombie or news zombie posts, as long as they're strictly textual, but video would be too obscene)
Unboxing videos by living beings are fine and welcome.
(btw, I don't think I'm racist for saying this or specist, what I am if I discriminate against the dead, "lifeist", "tanatofobic", "existencecentrist" ?)
It's a fine tradition. Who wants to keep talking about old news? Old news is boring! I want new news!