Release Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Thanks to that fix I was able to finish the game. From start to finish on the Pandora !
The shooting part at the beginning isn't very easy with the nubs (even with the auto-aim) but the lightsaber part works really well (maybe even better than with mouse+kb).

I had a crash after the final cutscene (probably during the transition to a video) but the game was already finished so I didn't care much.

Custom maps seem to work properly, however I couldn't get mods to work. Are they supposed to be supported?
From start to finish?! Nice!

About the crash at the end, if you have a savestate near the end so I can fix it :)

Mods should works, but I never tried, so it may be not working. Do you have some links so I can try on my side?
I've noticed that there are still mods being developed for JA, such as this one.
They use OpenJK to expand what they can do with mods. Do you think this could be ported to the Pandora as well?
I also like the current single player port, I guess only the multiplayer part is used for the current mods, but I'm not sure.
New build on the repo (still only single player game).

I added support for Harware Gamma (using the script). Only software gamma was supported before. Software gamma works by loading textures with gamma applied, will hardware gamma work (here) by changing the gamma of the LCD. On of the advantage is to have the Gamma changed on the fly, no need to reload the game to have gamma applied...

Build 12

  • added support for Hardware Gamma
  • Fresh build
Thanks for this, the first level still looks darker than it should be though :(

This is what Level 1 should look like

but instead it looks like this
@Wally : that's not dark, that's looks more like missing textures. Can you try upgrading your graphic driver?
Or maybe somme issues with your firmware? It's correctly bright on my side.Do you see some change of brightness when you play with the brightness slider in Option screen in the second Display submenu.
If no, you may be missing /usr/pandora/scripts/
I wasn’t too sure about it. Looked bizarre, both steam and GOG versions are showing these issues

I’ll have another play when we get back from Austria. I think you mught be right, the OS image is corrupt

Tried replacing the GOG version with a steam version.
Tried downloading the PC version and installing the latest patch as per the repo
Tried various SGX drivers.
Reflashing firmware

Still getting really dark textures and the gamma slider still won't work :(
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Tried replacing the GOG version with a steam version.
Tried downloading the PC version and installing the latest patch as per the repo
Tried various SGX drivers.
Reflashing firmware

Still getting really dark textures and the gamma slider still won't work :(
Do you have this file "/usr/pandora/scripts/" ? It's part of the firmware and it's used to change gamma of the LCD. Can you can try "sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ 2.2" to see if the gamma is changed? Use "sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ 0" to go back to default. These are exactly the command used by JK2 to change gamma when moving the slider.