Very very tiny review based on a short testing time:
Nubs: I did a few mis-clicks with the nubs, probably because I'm used to manhandling my Pandora's nubs, but that's just something you get used to over time (had the same issue with the PS Vita sticks). The Win's sticks felt kind of "loose", like, they were not moving the cursor as I expected. No idea if there's some setting to change the sensitivity.
Didn't pay too much attention to the
keyboards, just typed nonsense while on the desktop.
Pyra: I didn't notice anything bad about the Pyra keyboard. I write a lot of stuff on my Pandora, and I'll write even more on my Pyra once it'll get here.
Win: Nope. Won't even do a Hello World on that one. The keys are closer together than on an on-screen keyboard in portrait mode.
Case quality:
The Win wins that one. Very nice build quality! Didn't really look as if that case was a prototype. Also, I'm a sucker for shiny screens although they're annoying once you're near a light source.
The grey (old) Pyra case was, well, not that good. Has some gaps between the case parts, and the plastic looks strange (ED explained that already). The clear (new) one looked (and felt) definitely better. Didn't spot any gaps there.
Biggest difference is probably the amount of screws and individual case parts. The Win doesn't exactly look like a case modder's dream, but the Pyra in turn could come across as a bit more fragile (although it feels super sturdy).
(Sorry for any weird grammar and autocorrect mess-ups, I'm at a family gathering and they just started the wine course
