GamesCom, Shoulderbuttons and Heating

Thangs god, i ditnt work often on the fields, only in our Beeceeping Shop, other things are Hobby..
So you are there just to enjoy riding your uncle's unimog around the field?  That sounds fun :)

How can you use your Pandora with the bees? That sounds hard? ;)

Man!  I like your job.  It's all nature and much better than me siting in the office all day :)
Man, riding a unimog with a pandora in my pocket and work with some bees. Sounds pretty sweet.
I do like my office job though, have a nice view over a river. The river has ducks, geese, swans and other birds (and boats of course, causing waves for the birds to swim away from).
Get a hot/cold beverage, watching out of a window. And I do work on a laptop, so I could do that anywhere basically but still have to be in the office (but I can sit where I want if free, but my window seat is good enough).
I had trouble with his english. Until I read it in an accent... then it made sense to me. I have to give him credit though for posting here. I don't have much foreign language experience other then a french class I nearly failed. Hell, if we're honest, his english isn't far off from a lot of people born in the USA. My written was a bit on the crappy side till I started writing and I still struggle with grammar. (I noticed I type in a vernacular style of english.. Vernacular =/= proper formal english that everybody seems to want. Made writing classes annoying when they focus on grammar.)

I apologize on the furthering of the derailment of the topic at hand! :blink:
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I still find it funny that the way people talk is not the correct way to talk/write.
That's kinda obvious. Our languages evolve in the street, then do they in the books.

That's why I can say I learned most of my english in forums and video games rather than in class itself.

It's still useful as we learn more professional stuff but hey, we're not on an appointment 24/7.

This is said by a froggy. 'Cause some of us actually want to learn english. ^_^
If you review my posts on you can see how my English improved over time.

I learned most of it in forums and by watching movies.

Also when talking to non-german students at university.

Last year I had the opportunity to talk to my old english teacher again. She was pretty impressed as I never were good in english class.
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Well, i learnd my english on a Evening Shool, and in Work Shool, and from the English Pandora Board,

In shool, i had 9 Yeahrs Frensh, but dotnt try to speek whit mee in this languige..

But i wants to work on my english..

In our Bee Keeping Accessory Shop, once, there came a Soldier from a US Airforce Base (dotnt know if fron Kusel, or Ramstein) so i had to use all my English, and it worked, mybe i need somethime to use hands and feets, but, it think, it wasnt that bad..

At the begining, of Pandora Development, my e nglish was much more worse, so i think it will be much better when the Pyra is out..

Somethimes, my Touchscreen Keyboard eats some Keys, so mybe its also the fault of my "Smartphone" anoter reason, why i wants the Pyra to be my new Smartphone..
^ Man! I'm not native American/English speaker neither. I came to the US when I was 16 years old.  But you make me laugh so hard!  I really really enjoy reading stuff you wrote.  You're a good and truthful/sweet kid I can see through reading your posts :)
In our Bee Keeping Accessory Shop, once, there came a Soldier from a US Airforce Base (dotnt know if fron Kusel, or Ramstein) so i had to use all my English, and it worked, mybe i need somethime to use hands and feets, but, it think, it wasnt that bad..
I really feel that more should be done to teach those in the military some basic language skills for places they are sent.  In this case at least one of you understood the other.  I have too often relied on using my hands to communicate with non-English speakers, knowing only a few words that didn't really help.  From the time I was a baby on I have been around Spanish speakers, and while I can sometimes understand what is being said I can't speak it.  My family seems to be losing Spanish comprehension.

I can usually understand what non-native English users are saying in text.  I feel like a jerk sometimes because I occasionally have trouble understanding people speaking English with really heavy accents I am not used to.  It is painful for me to ask someone to repeat something for the fifth time.
 I feel like a jerk sometimes because I occasionally have trouble understanding people speaking English with really heavy accents I am not used to.  It is painful for me to ask someone to repeat something for the fifth time.
I have a difficult time hearing what people say no matter what language or accent, though some are worse than others :v
^That happens to me at times, especially if there is background noise.  The problem with the accents is that it feels like it doesn't matter how many times they repeat it, I can't decipher what they are saying.  It is almost funny, but it is my problem, hence feeling like a jerk.
And unfortunately, usually accents are impossible to lose.
It's what I like to tell myself about my accent when I speak German (that language is so fucking terrible to pronounce, in my opinion), but I fear actually it's supposed to be possible. :-)
Well, you can fake an accent, like I can fake a British accent, and sometimes I actually do it without realizing it if I'm telling a Monty Python joke for example.

( This HAS gotten off topic hasn't it? :P )
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Well, you can fake an accent, like I can fake a British accent, and sometimes I actually do it without realizing it if I'm telling a Monty Python joke for example.

( This HAS gotten off topic hasn't it? :P )
Everything is on topic.

I'm really bad at faking accents, and I can't fake most German accents, i.e. it's always obvious my native language isn't really German, but Alemannic, although my German is actually better than that of most Germans when compared in writing. Sometimes that's really annoying.