Well, i learnd my english on a Evening Shool, and in Work Shool, and from the English Pandora Board,
In shool, i had 9 Yeahrs Frensh, but dotnt try to speek whit mee in this languige..
But i wants to work on my english..
In our Bee Keeping Accessory Shop, once, there came a Soldier from a US Airforce Base (dotnt know if fron Kusel, or Ramstein) so i had to use all my English, and it worked, mybe i need somethime to use hands and feets, but, it think, it wasnt that bad..
At the begining, of Pandora Development, my e nglish was much more worse, so i think it will be much better when the Pyra is out..
Somethimes, my Touchscreen Keyboard eats some Keys, so mybe its also the fault of my "Smartphone" anoter reason, why i wants the Pyra to be my new Smartphone..