Release First prodcution samples of Pandora keymat

dflemstr said:
God Ginrai said:
I understand why they would want to put the Euro symbol, seeing as how it's the currency of half the people they are selling to. It's like US people needing the dollar sign. However, I have to agree with you about the Yen symbol, it does seem kindof pointless to me. But for me, that's not a big issue.
I'm European too you know...
I also argue that you almost never need a currency symbol. "$" I can understand for its role in programming languages, its general usage globally to symbolize money, and its use in various other circumstances. But how often do you really need your currency symbols? I mean, really need them? I use "EUR", "GBP" and "YEN" like on the stock market if it really comes to that, or just map the symbols to some really weird, hard-to-reach key.

To tell you the truth, I use the dollar sign a lot. Whether it be programming, or discussion. I find it much easier to say $230 for example instead of 230 dollars.

-God Ginrai
dflemstr said:
God Ginrai said:
I understand why they would want to put the Euro symbol, seeing as how it's the currency of half the people they are selling to. It's like US people needing the dollar sign. However, I have to agree with you about the Yen symbol, it does seem kindof pointless to me. But for me, that's not a big issue.
I'm European too you know...
I also argue that you almost never need a currency symbol. "$" I can understand for its role in programming languages, its general usage globally to symbolize money, and its use in various other circumstances. But how often do you really need your currency symbols? I mean, really need them? I use "EUR", "GBP" and "YEN" like on the stock market if it really comes to that, or just map the symbols to some really weird, hard-to-reach key.
Ever write anything in PHP? Every variable is preceded with $...

As I do a ton of web development, there should always be a key for that :P
psymastr said:
dflemstr said:
God Ginrai said:
I understand why they would want to put the Euro symbol, seeing as how it's the currency of half the people they are selling to. It's like US people needing the dollar sign. However, I have to agree with you about the Yen symbol, it does seem kindof pointless to me. But for me, that's not a big issue.
I'm European too you know...
I also argue that you almost never need a currency symbol. "$" I can understand for its role in programming languages, its general usage globally to symbolize money, and its use in various other circumstances. But how often do you really need your currency symbols? I mean, really need them? I use "EUR", "GBP" and "YEN" like on the stock market if it really comes to that, or just map the symbols to some really weird, hard-to-reach key.
Ever write anything in PHP? Every variable is preceded with $...

As I do a ton of web development, there should always be a key for that :P

I know exactly what you mean. XD

-God Ginrai
That's unfortunate about the Y and the D. I can understand that each letter has a different x position depending on the size of the blue symbol on the same key, but in any case, all letters should have the same y position on the key, with the exception of the Q, which should let the squiggly line go below the rounded portion of the character. The J appears to be a bit low as well.

edit: I'll take it the way it is though. I can always buy a replacement pad from Craigix when they are fixed. I would want to have a spare anyway, as the first one wears out!
It's unfortunate they didn't put one currency symbol more into that side of the keyboard, the way it is now, I only have two "never-going-to-be-typed-by-my-own-hand" Symbols to map to my "äöü" :P
dflemstr said:
I'm European too you know...
I also argue that you almost never need a currency symbol. "$" I can understand for its role in programming languages, its general usage globally to symbolize money, and its use in various other circumstances. But how often do you really need your currency symbols? I mean, really need them? I use "EUR", "GBP" and "YEN" like on the stock market if it really comes to that, or just map the symbols to some really weird, hard-to-reach key.
I agree with you. Those would be the first keys I'd cut if more space were needed for other symbols.

Interestingly, I'm Canadian, and I've used that Euro symbol about a half-dozen times.
Kramy said:
dflemstr said:
Interestingly, I'm Canadian, and I've used that Euro symbol about a half-dozen times.

Well duh. Aside from the $, (due to it's uses aside from indicating currency) any symbol for a currency will see little use in areas that do not use that currency.

-God Ginrai
God Ginrai said:
Well duh. Aside from the $, (due to it's uses aside from indicating currency) any symbol for a currency will see little use in areas that do not use that currency.

-God Ginrai

You can always remap them to whatever you see fit. You still do need to have some symbol on them.

Note that with the Fn modifier, you have more keys than on a standard keyboard, so obviously there are some keys you might not normally use.
Alec said:
Note that with the Fn modifier, you have more keys than on a standard keyboard, so obviously there are some keys you might not normally use.
I hope you didn't include Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Fn+F1 combinations when you figured that out, because to type that you need 7 separate key presses (hmm, when I think about it, it doesn't really sound that bad).
And my G15 keyboard pretty much has the maximum amount of keys you can get on a normal-sized keyboard, so with the addition of the Meta-key (Win-logo), the Pandora keyboard will have a hard time matching that amount of key combos.
dflemstr said:
Alec said:
Note that with the Fn modifier, you have more keys than on a standard keyboard, so obviously there are some keys you might not normally use.
I hope you didn't include Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Fn+F1 combinations when you figured that out, because to type that you need 7 separate key presses (hmm, when I think about it, it doesn't really sound that bad).
And my G15 keyboard pretty much has the maximum amount of keys you can get on a normal-sized keyboard, so with the addition of the Meta-key (Win-logo), the Pandora keyboard will have a hard time matching that amount of key combos.

EDIT: You are attributing alec's post to me. Could you please edit your post so it doesn't look like I said that?
javaJake: Fixed.

Alec said:
God Ginrai said:
Well duh. Aside from the $, (due to it's uses aside from indicating currency) any symbol for a currency will see little use in areas that do not use that currency.

-God Ginrai

You can always remap them to whatever you see fit. You still do need to have some symbol on them.

Note that with the Fn modifier, you have more keys than on a standard keyboard, so obviously there are some keys you might not normally use.

I'm not lobbying to have those symbols removed. I said that it didn't bother me. Make that point to someone who is asking for that to be changed.

-God Ginrai
What is the “Section Sign” symbol "§" on the Pandora 1 key used for? Does it have some use in Linux, other languages, or some other useful Pandora application? I don’t think I have ever used it or seen a keyboard with a § on it.
gp2xs said:
What is the “Section Sign” symbol "§" on the Pandora 1 key used for? Does it have some use in Linux, other languages, or some other useful Pandora application? I don’t think I have ever used it or seen a keyboard with a § on it.

For some reason people were calling it the Paragraph symbol earlier in the topic. Maybe it's the paragraph symbol in other languages? Truthfully, that's one rarely used symbol I'm glad made it on the keymapping. I use the symbol all of the time, even though most people don't.

-God Ginrai
gp2xs said:
What is the “Section Sign” symbol "§" on the Pandora 1 key used for? Does it have some use in Linux, other languages, or some other useful Pandora application? I don’t think I have ever used it or seen a keyboard with a § on it.

Apart from legalese, I can't remember seeing it in use, but it is has a prominent place on many European layouts.
klaus said:
gp2xs said:
What is the “Section Sign” symbol "§" on the Pandora 1 key used for? Does it have some use in Linux, other languages, or some other useful Pandora application? I don’t think I have ever used it or seen a keyboard with a § on it.

Apart from legalese, I can't remember seeing it in use, but it is has a prominent place on many European layouts.

I've hardly ever seen that symbol before, let alone use it. And I'm European too (although the British type, don't know if the rest of the Europeans call us Europeans too) :P

I think I'll remap that key to something like restart or reboot, if it's possible. Or Print Screen, I can see that being handy to take quick screenshots of the games I'll be developing on :P
Gruso said:
Ah, remapping it to Print Screen is a great idea!

Print Screen isn't a standard function in Linux like it is in Windows. Also, even in Windows, it only works under certain circumstances. For example, it won't work in a lot of games. Please don't suggest remapping that key to a function. -_-'

-God Ginrai
God Ginrai said:
Gruso said:
Ah, remapping it to Print Screen is a great idea!

Print Screen isn't a standard function in Linux like it is in Windows. Also, even in Windows, it only works under certain circumstances. For example, it won't work in a lot of games. Please don't suggest remapping that key to a function. -_-'

-God Ginrai

I don't know my Linux key-mappings, but is there really no way to tie a key-press to the running of some shell script? If that's possible (and I'd be surprised if it weren't), I'm sure someone could port a simple screen-capture utility.
Well, I took a good look at the keypad for the first time, and ... I'm not sure what the purpose of Fn+J is. The apostrophe is clearly Fn+A, and Fn+H has the backtick, so ... what is it? :?
Yeah, there's a program called xkeybind, and I think KDE has a built-in system for custom key bindings.

Print-screen actually works pretty well in GNOME and KDE ... 3.
Then they broke everything..

edit: Yeah, what is that on Fn + J? Looks like a backwards backtick.
God Ginrai said:
Print Screen isn't a standard function in Linux like it is in Windows. Also, even in Windows, it only works under certain circumstances. For example, it won't work in a lot of games. Please don't suggest remapping that key to a function. -_-'
*hits print screen*
seems to take a screen shot to me :P
I'm pretty sure it relies on the window manager.