Advanced Member
Yes indeed! Amiga emulation has come a long way
I`m grateful that I can do on the train what I used to be able to do at my desk at my Mums house 
(Spindizzy Worlds, PP Hammer..)
The regular sized USB port on the Pandora is USB 2.0 only.. as in it doesn't support USB 1.0 devices. This is the case because there wasn't enough space on the PCB to put the necessary circuitry to make it compatible with both( I believe it's just a USB 2.0 hub chip).. So we're forced to use an external USB 2.0 hub to do the switching from 1.0 to 2.0.Silly but serious question. If the USB port in the Pandora is USB why do I need a usb2 hub for a usb1 device or did u mam the device will be usb2
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Hi, i have the same Problem. Did you solved it?Nothing happens when I try to load the latest build of uae 2.0. The 'old uae4all' option works fine.
Am I doing something wrong?
I've never seen a USB 2.0 complient HUB that didn't support USB 1.X, I guess the question is if it's truly a USB 2.0 hub and not an old USB 1.X hub.. Also there has been reports of quirkiness with some select hubs and the Pandora.. One oddness is you need to plug your devices into the hub prior to plugging into the Pandora other wises it crashes the USB host and you will need to reboot the Pandora or type some command in a terminal that I can't seem to find on a search of this forum to reset this issue...BTW I couldn't get the USB hub working. I checked with dmesg and it seems like its seeing the hub but then says something like device not enumerated or something like thatany ideas. I wonder if my hub doesn't have the usb1 chip in?
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