Release [Repo] UAE4All


Very Active Member
Oct 26, 2009
There is a new version of UAE4All in Repo.

Changelog (2014-01-06):

- New GUI (thanks to lubomyr)

- Bugfix: M68000 addressing mode "register indirect with index" (caused crash in Arabian Nights and some more)
- Added: Custom mapping for joystick left/right/down possible
- Changed: Better differentiation of M68000 and M68020 specific emulation
- Changed: CPU cycles for M68020
  The previous version of uae4all simply halves the M68000 cycles. Now we are using a more realistric
  timing. As long as there isn't enough performance to emulate the instruction cache and the pipeline
  of the M68020, we asume that every fetch is done from cache and there is no pippeline. This gives us
  a good approach to the real M68020.
  You may notice a slowdown in M68020 emulation now. This is because we have to emulate more M68020
  opcodes per timeslot than in previous version, but some performance enhancements brings us close to
  previous fps.
- Improved usage of stylus as mouse (faster move of pointer to stylus and right click occurs now after
  release if L or R shoulder button)
- Use encoded Kickstart roms from AmigaForever (thanks to lubomyr):
  Copy the rom.key file to your kickstart folder and rename the rom files (amiga-os-120.rom -> Kick12.rom, amiga-os-130.rom -> Kick13.rom, amiga-os-205.rom -> Kick20.rom and amiga-os-310-a1200.rom -> Kick31.rom)
- 256K Kickstart roms now supported
- Bugfix: A few games/intros crashed when "Sound" was set to "accurate" (i.e. Crystal intro of 1000cc Turbo)
- More accurate cycle timing between CPU and custom chips (fixes graphics issues in Lionheart)
- Remember last active tab
- Navigation through GUI with dpad, select with button A
- Screenshot in hires mode now working
- Remember last position in file dialog
- Minor fixes and changes in navigation through controls
- Warning with path is shown if ROM file wasn't found
- In file select dialog, hold left shoulder + up/down to navigate faster through list
- Bugfix M68020 Opcode UNPK: SlamTilt shows correct score now
- Added shortcut 0, 1, 2 and 3 to insert disk in drive DF0, DF1, DF2 and DF3
- Bugfix in opcodes DIVL, MULL, CMP2 and CHK2
- Reset CPU speed to default value on exit
- Updated UAE4ALL ReadMe

Fixed previously reported problems with specific games:

- Lionheart: graphic problems

- SlamTilt: wrong score counter


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By the way, any update about a potential netplay function ?
I had a look at it. I'm not sure about the performance. You have to calculate a checksum over entire Amiga memory very often. I need time for some tests before I con say if this is possible.
By the way, any update about a potential netplay function ?
I had a look at it. I'm not sure about the performance. You have to calculate a checksum over entire Amiga memory very often. I need time for some tests before I con say if this is possible.
Thanks, I'm not in a hurry, i was just wondering if this was still in your plan for a potential update :) There are other amiga emulators doing netplay so you may want to check how they implement it.
TomB;  Great to now see this on the repo   :)

I just done an update... and there`s no update.. is the version number the same? hence why the last beta I got is the same on the repo?
I changed the version number, so this should be a new one. There are two changes compared to the latest beta:

- Pandora CPU speed set to default on exit if speed was adjusted during emulation.

- Minor fix in M68020 opcodes CHK2, DIVL and MULL
Not sure what I was doing wrong previously but I've Slam Tilt running properly with this update! Another game that is now fixed is Tearaway Thomas. It was showing the wrong colours previously
Where should I put the Guichan zip? In uae4all appdata? edit. and the src zip?
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The zip-files in this thread are only for developers. They are containing only the source code. You don't need them for playing.
Nice work! The UI looks and feels solid and much better than the old one from the old GP2X days. Also the improvements for the emulator itself are great! I finally can play Lionheart without annoying sprite flickering! Many thanks!
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Liking the GUI!

I had an issue with TVout though - I had main layer enabled via svideo, NTSC and running UAE4ALL gave me black and white.

I'll try tonight but with PAL mode(which makes sense since Amiga is generally 50Hz)
Btw I noticed last night that touchscreen mode doesn't appear to work. I touch the screen and nothing happens. I have to switch to mouse mode and then I can touch the screen but it's still not working quite right, even with the offset value - needs a little more investigation I guess.
I still couldn`t get the floppy shortcuts working
It works fine on my devices. When Tab of floppy is selected and the number of drives is for example set to 2, then you can press 0 or 1 to open the dialog for selecting a file.

I noticed last night that touchscreen mode doesn't appear to work.
This part is really annoying. I have to check if it's possible to improve that.
I still couldn`t get the floppy shortcuts working
It works fine on my devices. When Tab of floppy is selected and the number of drives is for example set to 2, then you can press 0 or 1 to open the dialog for selecting a file.

I noticed last night that touchscreen mode doesn't appear to work.
This part is really annoying. I have to check if it's possible to improve that.
Ahhhh my floppy number must be 1 then :|   heheh  thanks

EDIT: It works now I`ve upped the amount of floppies... I`m sure it worked before when I only had one selected!

no worries :)
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