Release [REPO] UAE4All - Update


Very Active Member
Oct 26, 2009
There is a new version of UAE4All in Repo.

What's new in this version compared to previous::
- Right shift of entire display by one pixel fixed
- New Amiga screen widths: 352, 384, 704, 768
- HD file/folder specific configs
- Merged some changes of other uae versions in cia.cpp, custom.cpp, filesys.cpp
- Selecting different .adf changes nothing in configuration if no disk-specific config exists
- Option to select joystick in port 0, port 1 or both. Select the right port to prevent activating second player in some games.
- Bugfix: press of second button in port 0 often interpreted as press of both buttons
- Bugfix: load of disk specific config copied last used disk name to all empty drives
- Performance enhancements: some AGA stuff runs now with full speed without frameskip on 1 GHz Pandora
- Bugfix (hopefully): mousepointer no longer limited to part of screen
- Added stereo mode (thanks to lubomyr for his changes in android version)
- Added Amiga 1200T2 mode (need to overclock to 1.1 GHz to get 25 fps for my AGA reference demo)
- Bugfix: select preset A500 or A1200 adjust Amiga cpu speed to 500 or 1200
- Bugfix: Sometimes wrong colors in AGA EHB and AGA dual playfield mode
- Menu for display settings no longer scaled like Amiga screen (for some sizes, not all menu items were visible)
- Bugfix: memory used for loading kickrom was never freed
- Bugfix: Floating point exception if default config has less then 4 drives and you use later a disk specific config with 4 drives
- Bugfix: sometimes sound glitches after restore of a savestate
- Changed: some more cleanup before leaving the emulator
- Changed: removed some unused stuff

Previously reported problems with specific games:
- Escape from the planet of the robot monsters: Second player was always activated
  Fixed if you select joystick in port 1 (new option)
- NY Warriors: Second player was always activated
  Fixed if you select joystick in port 1 (new option)
- Deluxe Galaga: Does not boot
  Boot if you choose kickstart 3.1 and chipset ECS
- Cinemaware games: Problems with graphic
  I can't see any problems in "It came from the desert" or "Rocket Ranger" in current version
- Super Methane Bros: Insert disk 2 and press fire -> it doesn't load
  It's working in current version
- WormsDC: doesn't work
  No problem found in current version

This version is tested with some demos and games on a 1GHz Pandora with latest kernel and on a 600MHz Pandora with an older kernel (bootscreen says 1.52).



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Yay! Guess I´ll need to find some time for a little Amiga stuff... :rolleyes:
Copied it into \<sdcard>\pandora\menu  but it doesn't show up in Emulators...
Did you change the version nu mer in the PXML? PNDmanager shows it as new, but not as update (thinks I already have it installed)?

Anyway, thanks for the update! Amiga in my pocket is still what makes the Pandora very special to me ^_^

@LardLad: Just in case: I assume you did not download it from here and forgot to unzip it, right? Try to unmount&mount the SD card, or reboot the Pandora, usually this works for me if a .PND doesn't show up.
Thanks F_Slim, after I posted I re-downloaded the pnd, unmounted the SD card and re-mounted it - problem solved.

Thanks to the TomB for the updated version!
Great work...

Would it be possible to put .dms support in uae4all?
Its weird that in pndmanager it doesn`t show up as an update! is it because of the PXML thing?
I changed the version number in the PXML file.Is there something more to do?

I uploaded the pnd once more and now it shows the correct version number.
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does this version fix the fact that bombing missions in Wings were super fast?
I don't know. This game wasn't on my check list. It's now added to the list and I will check it soon.

These games are now on my list to make them working:

- Theme Park (AGA floppy version): very slow

- Lionheart: won't run at all, UAE 0.8.14 and 0.8.17 Lionheart was fixed

- Slam Tilt: bad score counter (shows 404, 040, 404, 040...)

- Roadkill: you can't accelerate

- Shadow of the Beast: crash when you move to the right

- Wings: bombing missions is super fast
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Selection cpu speed 1200,T1 and T2 causes skipping sounds (samples not being played). With T2 more skipping than T1 and T1 more than 1200. Sometimes it even sounds like that modules are being played at a lower speed (slomotion). No problems when selection 500 or 500T

This is with my 1Ghz at 1220Mhz.
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Selection cpu speed 1200,T1 and T2 causes skipping sounds (samples not being played). With T2 more skipping than T1 and T1 more than 1200. Sometimes it even sounds like that modules are being played at a lower speed (slomotion). No problems when selection 500 or 500T
This is normal. In T2, uae needs to emulate more M68000 cpu cycles than in T1 and so the entire emulation slows down.

500: emulates M68000 at normal Amiga 500 speed

500T: double M68000 speed -> double the cycles to emulate

1200: Amiga 500 * 4

1200T1: Amiga 500 * 8

1200T2: Amiga 500 * 16

Can you add Zeewolf a d Zeewolf 2 please?

The games run ok... Just freezes when you go into the weapons selection screen.


Sent from my Amiga using the cli.