Release [Beta] UAE4All - Update to


Very Active Member
Oct 26, 2009
Here's a new beta of UAE4All. I started a new topix, because the old beta thread is really long and it's hard to find the post with the latest version.

What's new in current beta:
- Bugfix: M68000 addressing mode "register indirect with index" (caused crash in Arabian Nights and some more)
- Added: Custom mapping for joystick left/right/down possible
- Changed: Better differentiation of M68000 and M68020 specific emulation
- Changed: CPU cycles for M68020
  The previous version of uae4all simply halves the M68000 cycles. Now we are using a more realistric
  timing. As long as there isn't enough performance to emulate the instruction cache and the pipeline
  of the M68020, we asume that every fetch is done from cache and there is no pippeline. This gives us
  a good approach to the real M68020.
  You may notice a slowdown in M68020 emulation now. This is because we have to emulate more M68020
  opcodes per timeslot than in previous version, but some performance enhancements brings us close to
  previous fps.
- Improved usage of stylus as mouse (faster move of pointer to stylus and right click occurs now after release of L or R shoulder button)
- Use of encoded Kickstart roms from AmigaForever supported (thanks to lubomyr):
  Copy the rom.key file to your kickstart folder and rename the rom files (amiga-os-120.rom -> Kick12.rom, amiga-os-130.rom -> Kick13.rom, amiga-os-205.rom -> Kick20.rom and amiga-os-310-a1200.rom -> Kick31.rom)
- 256K Kickstart roms now supported

Reported problems with specific games (now working):
- Aaargh: not loading
- Addams Family: crash after intro
- Arabian Nights: crash after title pic
- Shadow of the Beast: crash when you move to the right
- Zeewolf 2: freezes when you go into the weapons selection screen
  There was no freeze, just use cursor keys (R + joypad) to navigate.



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Wow! thanks so much TomB :) gonna pop this on my card right away..

concerning Zeewolf/Zeewolf 2 freezes. It still freezes when you press enter or space. The screen where it gives you your weapons readout and in the top left hand corner you get a mini view of the play screen. This is where it freezes. 

ie. Zeewolf 2, 2nd mission ( you start with very little ) and you have to land on the carrier to tool up.

Soon as the resupply vehicle attaches and the screen changes to weapons.. it freezes

Your work on this is very much appreciated. :) :)
Amazing! Thank you for continuing your work on this great emulator, it's much appreciated! :)
Thanks for this, especially source!

Somewhat related: does anyone know whether this:

Is the latest version of UAE4All 1.1 for Pandora?


Edit: So, I compiled the version from the link I posted above and no, it doesn't seem to be 1.1... or the menus at least look slightly different. Is it possible to get the last cyclone core release of UAE4all from somewhere? I know the binary is bundled with UAE4All, but I want to make changes to the sources and recompile.

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So, if I`m using Tiny Launcher on a .hdf ( which works fine ( I`m also about to put some more whdload games on there ))

What I`m wanting to know is..... do the save states work with whdload games??

This is the latest version of uae4all1 I found.
Thank you a lot!

Now let's see how easily I can put in place the little modifications I already put to UAE2 :-).
what ya got cooking Mr ?
I have some ideas to make savestates and different configs for HD settings possible.
This is the latest version of uae4all1 I found.
Thank you a lot!

Now let's see how easily I can put in place the little modifications I already put to UAE2 :-).
what ya got cooking Mr ?
I run it in (a somewhat streamlined) SL4P and wanted it windowed and switchable to being scaled 2x.

The binaries I dug from the .pnd had some other issues in this environment too, but I cannot recall now what they were. The modifications I made were easily put in place to this older version too and they are pretty basic stuff.

The current Fame core version is, with all it's updates, of course preferable when it works (it usually does). But some games work better with UAE and Cyclone cores, which is why I figured I might as well mod those now too, since they were available. Only two games I have (and tested with) did not work with the Fame core and am not about to play those... so this was definitely nice to have only...

The value of my "cooking" is questionable, since it definitely degrades some aspects of the software (no more direct framebuffer and vsync for starters). Anyone playing fast arcadelikes would not benefit. Then again, I value being able to have a window with notes visible/switchable to more than speed, since I play mostly games that pretty much require notetaking of some sort. I also like to keep the status bar with date, battery and IP address info visible at all times.
This is the latest version of uae4all1 I found.
Thank you a lot!

Now let's see how easily I can put in place the little modifications I already put to UAE2 :-).
what ya got cooking Mr ?
I run it in (a somewhat streamlined) SL4P and wanted it windowed and switchable to being scaled 2x.

The binaries I dug from the .pnd had some other issues in this environment too, but I cannot recall now what they were. The modifications I made were easily put in place to this older version too and they are pretty basic stuff.

The current Fame core version is, with all it's updates, of course preferable when it works (it usually does). But some games work better with UAE and Cyclone cores, which is why I figured I might as well mod those now too, since they were available. Only two games I have (and tested with) did not work with the Fame core and am not about to play those... so this was definitely nice to have only...

The value of my "cooking" is questionable, since it definitely degrades some aspects of the software (no more direct framebuffer and vsync for starters). Anyone playing fast arcadelikes would not benefit. Then again, I value being able to have a window with notes visible/switchable to more than speed, since I play mostly games that pretty much require notetaking of some sort. I also like to keep the status bar with date, battery and IP address info visible at all times.
Oh interesting :)

Would any of these fixes have anything to do with fixing Zeewolf and Zeewolf 2? in all the copies I`ve tried, even just tried whdload as well..

When you press enter to get to the mission screen, it freezes after a second...

Would any of these fixes have anything to do with fixing Zeewolf and Zeewolf 2?
Without having even heard of either of these before this I can say: definitely not.

SDL can run windowed, I simply restored that possibility to UAE.

Like I already implied earlier calling these "fixes" is very misleading, they are "modifications" and for most people not even neccessarily for the better ;) .