An update of the waiting game

I've got some news for you, but haven't had the time to post these yet...
I hope to find an hour within the next few days.

I've been a fan of the idea of decimal time (base 10 vs base 12) for a while. While you do only get 10 hour days, you get nearly twice the minutes per hour and seconds per minute.
I just think it's a better system.
I've been a fan of the idea of decimal time (base 10 vs base 12) for a while. While you do only get 10 hour days, you get nearly twice the minutes per hour and seconds per minute.
I just think it's a better system.
Nah, rather some power of two.
I've been a fan of the idea of decimal time (base 10 vs base 12) for a while. While you do only get 10 hour days, you get nearly twice the minutes per hour and seconds per minute.
I just think it's a better system.
Our time keeping system is not really base twelve, just based on twelvefolds for easy division.

If you really want to keep base 12 time (dozenal), then check out chapter 3 of the Dozenal Metrology (TGM). Yes, there exist a bunch of people advocating that we all switch to base 12.

Personally, I am curious what interplanetary time would look like, since time is currently largely measured in terms of the earth's rotation around its axis and the sun. While you can easily create a local time for each planet, keeping time independent of the planetary properties is not so obvious.

All of this however, regardless of how interesting it is, has nothing to do with Pyra news. If people feel like discussing it, then let us take it to the offtopic section.
So in the words of a certain synonymous person, "stay awhile and listen."

Deckard, is it really you?

I wonder how many people got that reference? On the other hand - is this line still used in later Diablo games or just the first one?
Hey ED I've been wondering, how's the plastic quality of the Pyra compare to the Win 2? I got my Win 2 a couple weeks ago and have been in love with the build quality. The metal part aside, the plastic part feels nice and solid to me, so I'm wondering what I should expect from Pyra-chan when she arrives.
What's wrong with the metal part(s)?
Nothing at all, I just meant that I didn't want to include it in any comparison about build quality due to the Pyra not having any metal. I wanted to know how the plastic is between these two.
This was too expect for a GPD Win:
Im also quite happy whit the Build Quality of my Win 1,5 ,
Only Windows 10 on it is quite awefull..
if I ever buy me a new Notebook, it will be one whit Linux..
but the Pyra will be my new Notebook and for my Windows Games, i still have the Gpd Win, the only Game I ditnt try was GTA 4...
I can't be bothered googling...but is the wifu issue, software related?
Wade claimed that at first, but GPD has since admitted that it's a hardware defect. They're currently trying to fix it, I believe.