Great, the pandora community is enriched by professional psychological support. Welcome to the (pandora-)blue couch, relax, and talk about your problems. I need a session, now. Dr. Askarus, the relationship with my pandora and me is strained. She don't want to come into my hands. I gave her gifts years ago, she took them but didn't show up for three years now. What could i do?
It's me. I'm German and I need 45 minutes to visit EvilDragon.
Next week I've finished my last exams (I study Psychology) and I'll have a lot of spare time to help building Pandoras.
It's the first year I study.
Don't know how good my advices are.
Your problem is: You didn't order a premium Pandora.
Don't worry, I'll talk to her on the blue couch. Maybe she'll come soon.