Release YGOPRO for Pandora

I am curious about the Online Mode on Pandora.

Askarus?On the PC Version have i often TCG Errors and i can only make a Turboduell where the activation of a spell Card cost 2000 Life Points.

All other Duell Types dont work on my PC.

Is XP too old for that Game?

Should i install a few Tools too that the Software work correctly?

Redownloading YGOPRO did not solve that.

Turboduells are frustating,e g you have a Spell Card that can rescue you,but with activation loose you.

I want normal Duells :)
No problems here.

Use Windows 7 for YGOPro.

I had to install some stuff to get it running.

1: sqlite-netFx20-setup-x86-2005-

2: dotNetFx40_Client_setup

(Don't know if needs Net framework 4.0 or 4.5 so this might not be the correct version. It's the wrong one I think as in Windows 7 you need the other than required for XP. Look for the XP version here)

3: vcredist_x86 or vcredist_x64

Depends on your computer. Install only one.

YGOPro didn't start correctly for me without those updates.

Don't know if this will solve your problem.

XP should not be to old, as there's n installation guide for it (see net framework version)

Unzip the attachment and you'll get everything I installed.

(vcredist_x64 is in an extry .zip as it's to big if I put everything in one archive.

Maybe you'll have to copy "System.Data.SQLite.dll" into the YGOPro folder (or whatever you called it)

YGOPro required data


Hi,thx for the Files,i try it,installes all and making all Windows Updates now to this ;)

I will report :)


Seem to work but before start comes a Message like :" Zubaba Warrior not alowed" and breaks.

Are some Cards in the standart Deck not alowed?
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Just to keep you up to date:

I've sent the screenshot of our start menu and the link of the source code ptitSeb compiled to the friendly Admin of the German boards.

Let's hope for the best.

So some news:

The friendly admin (called "benblub") wants to support us.


He wants to contact you.

The online button is closed source but there is a way to play online when a server does the job.

So would you like to get in contact with benblub?

I sent him the link to this thread so maybe he'll post a message the next days.
Great news !

I wait for a message here for a few days (so I can finish SuperTuxKart), and I'll try to contact him if I he has not :D
I'll await his message on the German YGOPro boards and keep you up to date.

BTW: Two things:


Got an update for the scripts yesterday on the windows version.

Will put them into appdata folder and see if there are still some crashing cards.


If you'll get an online mode working is there also some way to improve speed?

Feels little slow for me even with the fast mode.

Of course online mode is the more important thing.
One example card is: "Brotherhood of the fire fist - Horse Prince"

(Sorry for the long name. Was easy to find as I can get it in a list of only 42 cards).

How to find it:

Go into Deck builder.

Katego: Monster (Field 1) Synchro (Field 2)

Lvl/Rank: 6

Those two (three) options are enough.

Now you should get 41 results (PC version gives 42?)

Use the mouse and the slider: Slide to the end of the list as fast as you can to skip the cards in between.

Now use the D-Pad to navigate through the list.

Push Up slowly so that every card will be displayed.

It will crash after the 9th time you press up.

You may skip the sliding part but than you have to start from the top of the list and that will take longer.

So how did I identify the example card?

I did the same procedure on the computer and looked what card will be next.

Started from the top and bottom of the list.

Also did some individual search for only the card name (of course you may also do this instead of the list scrolling)

(Searching for "Monster" and "synchro" and Name = "Brotherhood" is enough as there's only that single card displayed when doing ths search on PC version.)

Was it somehow a clear explanation?
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How far does this get with my libGL?
It's based on Irrlicht (old 1.7, doesn't works with current 1.8). I tried quickly to just link and a bunch of unresolved function (don't remember wich one :( ). But I'll retest and try to get it running when I will be back on this.

i am from the DevPro Stuff and will try to help you. My English is not the best was easier speaking german with Askarus but i give my best. You Compiled the YGOPro Version from Flurohydride that is the Basic Version from all Mods. The LAN Modus there you can run Online over VLAN`s like Hamachi or Tunngle. 

What you need is Server Software and a modded client or a Launcher. I am searching for a c++ Progger that can help to create some features in the ygopro windows version.  DevPro dont modd YGOPro. We made DevPro closed Server & DevPro open Launcher.

(Edit with a DuelServer you can too join and host with the fluro ygopro to the Server. But no gamelist...)
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The Mode with Online Button you mean is Percys Modd but thats too closed Source and he doesnt share it. But you dont need it. Fluros pro do the same. Only no Serverlist and Online Button...
Hi, and thanks for comming here :)

So, with the Vanilla YGOPRO, I can join and host a duel. So the server is here to register potential player and make 2 player see themself. So *if* I can initiate dialog with a server and find another player, the duel part is the standard one (not sure I was very clear)
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