Serial Porter
Here is World of Padman, a Standalone game à la Quake3Arena.
In this game, you'll be using paintball guns in large "house like" arena, controling cartonish characters.
Build 03
If you want, a PND to update from build 01 -> build 02 is available here (4.35Mb):wop_update.pnd
for build 02 -> build 03, it's this one (711kb only!): wop_update.pnd
Be sure to have 1Go of free space in your SDCard. Just launch the PND (entry is WoP Update just beneath WoP) and be patient.
Happy paint-fraggin'

In this game, you'll be using paintball guns in large "house like" arena, controling cartonish characters.
- New QVM with Dynarec
Build 03
- Added "powervr.ini" for smoother gameplay
- Relaxed memory check
- Improved default setting (smaller textures)
- Compatible with newer SGX driver
- Added the otion to not use shoulder as mouse buttons (put .noshouldermb in appdata/wop)
- Fresh compile (may be faster)
- nub files move from appdata/wop/home to appdata/wop
- PND to update the main PND available (4Mo download instead of 1Go)
- Initiial build
- Mapped Left shoulder to Right clic and Right shoulder to Left click
- Text files in appdata/wop/home to change behavour of Nubs (left_nub and right_nub)
- Full GLES renderer
If you want, a PND to update from build 01 -> build 02 is available here (4.35Mb):wop_update.pnd
for build 02 -> build 03, it's this one (711kb only!): wop_update.pnd
Be sure to have 1Go of free space in your SDCard. Just launch the PND (entry is WoP Update just beneath WoP) and be patient.
Happy paint-fraggin'
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