I got my Pyra today! After all these years it's finally here, the wait is over! Some very long Two Months...
It's a black case, standard / no modem variant with all that implies.
Here are some impressions after the first few hours.
The Pinephone keyboard case comparison is done only as a reference point for those who might be familiar with that hardware.
All tests were done with the default OS after applying all official updates.
- the case looks gorgeous and it has a more pleasant feel than the Pinephone keyboard case.
- the thumb typing is something that works well and is again better than the Pinephone keyboard case. The base of the Pyra is heavier than the lid, and it can be grasped comfortably while operating the controls. The Pinephone keyboard case is top heavy and some key combinations are awkward. This would be the case on the Pyra as well, if not for the shoulder buttons.
- first boot went fine, I could connect to wifi on 2.4 and 5GHz, installed some updates and a few utilities.
- BT works correctly and I could connect a keyboard and a mouse at the same time without any issues.
- charging via the USB3-OTG connector started at about 1.99A, then started to decrease as the battery approached full charge. Out of the box the battery was charged around 50% or so. Shut down at 97% charge and the charger current is 0.03A as it has been for a while.
- it took a while to open the battery door but once opened I immediately used a fine file to shave a bit from the top of the long tabs, all around the bottom contour and a bit from the topmost part of the short tabs. I did all this with partial closure retries before I installed the battery for the first time.
Afterwards I noticed that while gripping the closed, upside down Pyra in order to use my thumbs to slide open the battery door, the upper part of the lid pressed so hard into the bottom lower part that it left marks in the coating. It turns out the case has sharp edges which will mark itself when gripped tightly while closed.
For anybody who wants to avoid such marks I would recommend to
put a long piece of office/electrical tape on the upper edge of the lid while wrestling the battery door open. It's a very minor thing but it can be completely avoided with the above mitigation.
- the HDMI connection doesn't appear to be working.
- the headphones do have some electrical noise but once they are selected for audio output the sound is fine, no distortion. Same behavior for TRS and TRRS headphones.
The wheel is sw controlled and by default only works for the speaker volume. For headphones the volume can be controlled via sw.
- for the Steam Deck owners: there is no smell worth mentioning. And for those who wonder: no, I didn't lick it (yet). Join me on my cooking channel next week...
That's all for now, have faith and ED will deliver.