french keyboard is the same +1 +2 ordeal that most everyone else seems to do. They type what their special accents are to them, like germans type their accentuation. Both in the same way.
Since the french have so many accents, they type the 4 most used ones on the number keys. Directly.
http://french.about.com/od/writing/ss/typeaccents_4.htm Exactly what the Germans use +3 for. They use +4 for compose.
The irish do it differently, but then they need altGr.
Whether we can adhere to the french placement or not, who knows, but we can never ever un-teach typing french. One accentuation-mark per number key means less trouble though. Its a good example of how adding even the most simple elements still causes concern, and its a slippery slope into trying to fix, but ultimately ruining, the keyboard experience for everyone. Yes every little thing can make some sense, but if its arbitrary to the whole experience, it is ultimately only to the person who made it. And whoever is willing to learn hacks/read manuals. The bigger picture is about overview, that is the only thing we can effectivly communicate to a prospect buyer.
That needs to never be forgotten, because if you start out doing one thing, and continue doing small things that dont fit, it ends up being a chain of events where no real compromise is made, instead making the end-product compromised.
Saying a number of modifiers employs enough combinations is additionally broken logic, because it changes fundamental keyboard practice. Alt is not a typing key, nor is super, meta (it can be) or ctrl. Meta could be, but then it isn't super. The keys you want to use as combinators are limited. And also if you take away functionality, no matter how mathematically flawed, it opens up new holes and you end up having to shift everything around. Not only for the things we can employ some logic and fail at, but also at the logic we are unaware of. However, doing away with dedicated keys is _never_ the answer.
What language is it that i can switch to, using the L+1 in your layout, that doesnt make use of ? Id venture a guess and say no languages. Make it an easy transition.
So we start looking at all layouts, they are generally no more than +4, the P+3 we cant do anything for, other than make it +4 in the case they have +3+1
Why meta instead of super is better than meta instead of AltGr. One is the lack of buttons, the other is a can of worms.
Without an AltGr key, the idea is that meta does what AltGr should have done. Stops being the case when you cant use AltGr+ the whole QWERTY-row, since that is reserved for F-keys.
Also for the P+2 part of many layouts, rendering them halfway-done. Like
Yes the number of shoulder buttons is limited, if you dont have meta here, it means you miss out on easy access to the meta combos. The thing is though,
if you do end up having to put
meta on the column-row,
it means you
arent using meta for anything else than F-keys.
Crucially, F-keys arent needed, it is possible to get on without them. Also, the F-row we have is the hack, meta is a hack, if everything else stays the same, it works, however inept the different input-systems may be.
So what about super? Having meta and AltGr means no super. However meta can take the place for super, with the exception of the aforementioned F-row (QWERTY)
Missing out on AltGr+QWERTY unacceptable
Missing out on super+QWERTY a problem if you are powerusing ubuntu unity