Release SuperZaxxon v1.51 released!

this kernel 3.2 of SZ 1.51does not want to connect to my router, by contrast kernel 2.6 version connects fine.

what can i do to try to send some debug info?
After some more testing it appears to be the 'i' that hangs my system. If I type it in any program (even during starting) the system hangs without appearing. That probably makes it a hardware issue. Too bad my other Pandora is already sent to ED for repair...

Edit: for the time being (until I receive my other Pandora from ED) updated .pndXmodmap. I can do without the Yen symbol.
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I was connecting to Linksys E4200v2 router right after 1.51 was installed. If I have connection problems, I just reset my router and all is well.

Finally got 1.51to install on my SD card. I reformatted it and also disconnected my USB hub. After that, the install went like clock work.
after a reflash wifi now connecting though does still take a few goes to connect, about 8/9 tries!
Seems I've run into the battery charging issue on my CC 256MB unit. The battery went completely flat in suspend, and when I plugged in it refused to charge - red light didn't come on. Left it plugged in overnight (susended) but only got 20% charge - also noticed that the rightmost LED was still darkened when I woke the unit up. Unplugged and then re-plugged in, then went into suspend and back out again - red charging light came on, and seems to be charging now. I'll let you know how much charge I get before it goes off.

There's a problem here ;^) :

cat /usr/share/applications/op_usbhost#0.desktop

[Desktop Entry]

Name=Toggle USB Host


Comment=Turn on / off WiFi.


They are not generated by the git stuff ?

Btw it's a #0.desktop, so it's generated on-the-fly.
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generated on the fly.. from a pnd :)

Thats how pnds work with the menus (libpnd (pndnotifyd) finds the pnd, and publishes a .desktop file that refers to it.) The problem would be in the PXML in the pnd, causing the .desktop to have the incorrect information.

Yup, i also asked for op-specific scripts to be named in the menus OP nub configurator, OP TV-out settings, etc..
Mmm, also something annoying (for Slackware), is it possible to change the ../../../usr/bin/links to /usr/bin/links or links ?

It fails because udisks2, which is the automounter-of-the-day, now mounts in /run/media/lambda_user/MEDIA_NAME/

This is common to other new distros.

Mount the PND [sUCCESS]

Starting the application (../../../usr/bin/links -g -mode 800x480 der[ FAILED])

Restoring the frame buffer status [sUCCESS]

cat /usr/share/applications/csb#0info.desktop

[Desktop Entry]

Name=Chaos Strikes Back Readme




Comment=Automatic menu info entry for Chaos Strikes Back

Exec=/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p "/run/media/me/SD32/pandora/menu//csbwin-11.059rc1-modded.pnd" -e "../../../usr/bin/links" -a "-g -mode 800x480 readme.html" -b "csb"


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Just a side comment on wifi ad-hoc: with 62481 wifi-updater.pnd on kernel Linux pandora 3.2.17 #649 I can connect to a nokia phone running joikuspot hotspot software in ad-hoc mode with wep.

Salute to notaz and everyone who got me access to the net. Thanxxxx (in a non-gay way)