From my understanding, most games work on the Vita, but you can't download them directly from the store. You need to use your PS3 and redownload them and then tranfer them over to the Vita from the PS3 using that lame content manager.
YES, this is complete and utter retardation

I was just in another thread given advice for the Nintendo 3DS transfer system(to the XL), which is complete and utter garbage that we have to do something so out of touch in this day and age, and then I come here and see that Sony isn't doing much better by limiting the amount of games that you can directly play from PSN.
What is the point of having a stand alone wi-fi enabled device, to still have to have a PS3 to aquire certain games that you already own? This was the main flaw of the PSP, as for the first several years, Sony wouldn't allow downloads directly to the PSP from PSN and you had to use you PS3 as a "middle man", and then they wonder why piracy was so high, because they made it so damn hard to play games on the PSP.
Now I see they have had almost an entire year to get PS1 games up and ready, and you still have this kind of crap. Sony/Nintendo you BOTH FAIL!

I hate to say it, but Apple wins in this area hands down, and they suck on somany levels I can't even say

, but I would much rather deal with them than Sony or Nintendo right now. Get with the times guys, this isn't 1990 anymore.