SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

I do think there is a certain appeal to doing aftermarket software mods on your handhelds. Rooting and jailbreaking has become the norm for every device I own. It shouldn't be needed, but I do get a certain feeling of eliteness knowing not everyone is getting the same experience as you. And adventure of knowing the wrong keystroke could send your device into the black abyss of mobile device heaven, kinda like defusing a bomb or something.

I know it sounds half retarded but having something wrong with your device, conceptually or software bug and wanting to break into it to fix it or get it the way you want has actually become an enjoyable part of mobile culture from my experience.

Having something that already has what everyone would want is almost like taking the challenge out of owning it. I would never buy a jailbroken ipod for example even if it was at a discount, I'd pay more to be able to do it myself. I don't get excited about laptops or desktops anymore because nowadays they do what you want already, I don't have to overclock or optimize my OS, it's already fast enough for absolutely everything I'd ever want to do on it... no more fun... and you are just left with what it is... I see that kinda boring, more of a tool to do a job, rather than an adventure waiting to happen.

The pandora has the excitement of an evolving platform... the evolution is pretty slow though, but it's still entertaining to watch and be a part of. But even in it's height of popularity it's not as exciting to me as a newly hacked handheld.
^ You bring up a very interesting point. I've felt for a while now that I'm usually more excited about the hardware than the software, and all the devices that have kept my interest have usually had some level of user-defined customization. I actually got really into my PSPs when I was customizing them and making software for them, even taking screenshots of games when my friends with unmodified PSPs couldn't. Android as an OS on its own feels very customizable without needing a root, and at some point I'll get around to rooting it and delving even further into the awesome stuff. Heck, my interest in modifying my PSP and running software Sony didn't want on it was a big reason I decided to buy a Pandora. I'm still without, and I've got an itch that I can't scratch with my 3DS and Vita yet. :P


Lol, is the Howard Stringer?

So, it's been 1 month and 2 days now since PS Vita launched in Australia/New Zealand...

Are your feelings still the same as mine in regards to PS Vita being the best thing since slice bread or to elaborate...Is it, in your mind still the best portable games console ever created?

I was playing Resident Evil Revelations right up to the Vita's release, and I finally went back to it a few days ago, but still havn't spent the time to finish it. The Vita has been my mainstay for the last month with only a little Pandora slipped in here and there.

Do I think it is the best portable handheld ever? Hands down this is the best. Sadly, to be consider a great device 5-10 years from now it will have to have a great software library, and that remains to be seen.

The touch screen didn't tickle my fancy at first, as I hate being forced to use it when my hand is already on the pad or analog stick, but over time it doesn't really bother me at all. The small buttons felt a little weird at first, but now I don't even notice them anymore. I have small hands, so they fit me well.

The size and shape are also perfect. I can play for hours and my hands never hurt. The screen is just beyond words, just PERFECT! I also find the new analog sticks to be perfect. A lot of people complained that they found the aiming in Uncharted to be hard compared to the console games, but my aiming was actually better here. Once again, this could be due to my small hands.

The operating system here is also very well done, and works very well for a handheld gaming device. EVERYTHING just works and is super quick. I have yet to have any kind of pauses or slowdown for anything.

So after a month would I like to change anything on the Vita? WOW, I'm really having to think about this and think hard. Right away nothing really comes to mind. I guess it would be nice if sometimes I didn't hit the rear touch pad, but that really can't be helped since it has to be the same size as the front, and I just need to place my hands better on the sides. This only happens on rare occasions, so that's why it's not a big deal, maybe later down the line it may become a bigger problem, but right now not so much.

Having to use the touch screen for everything kind of bothered me at first, but now I don't even think about it, it's just natural to me. This could also be fixed by a FW update, but now I don't even care.

So I guess someone might like it to be smaller our louder, but for me I really just can't think of much I would change if I could. The Vita just works, and works well. It will be really sad for the Vita to have the same life as the PSP, because it deserves so much better, but sadly it's looking like it may be about the same at best.

On the flipside of the coin, would I change anything about my 3DS? Oh HELL YES!

First off, It has been a year and I still can't get used to their choice for power button placement. Did anyone test this before release? Why the Fuck would you put the power button where the start button has been in the past? I also have small hands like most Japanese, and I can never play more than 5-10 minutes without my hands hurting. I never had this problem with my DS Lite or DSXL units. So for this reason alone, I don't play much anymore.

I would like a bigger screen, but more important to me would be a bigger sweet spot. I LOVE the 3D effects on the 3DS, but playing a game like Kid Icarus or Resident Evil where you kind of just move with the action, the 3D just doesn't work well unless you are a rock and can sit perfectly still. This in my opinion is the biggest flaw of the 3DS. Now if they can allow for a few inches of movement in any direction at some point, It would greatly help to improve the overall experiance. Which to me is the best part of a machine that is for 3D, am I right? So now I'm finding myself turning off the 3D more and more, which sucks because without 3D, what is the pooint in this machine.

So at this point I really can't see myself getting a second gen Vita unless they some how shrink it, and add better battery life, or improve the screen in some way, but I doubt this will happen to any great degree. The original PSP only shrunk, and then they mainly just improve the screen and battery life with later editions. Which is a testament to the original design(yes, UMD's sucked). Of course it needed a second analog nub, but we all knew that was not going to happen, as it would have killed the original user base. I personally never found it to be a huge problem, as I'm not a first person shooter guy, and the third person games worked well enough for me, but it would have been nice.

If Nintendo announces a new 3DS tommorow, I would sell my current unit ASAP, so I can get it. Anything they can add, would be an improvement in my mind, as the only thing that is really great about the 3DS currently is the games, but if I can't enjoy the 3D or feel comfortable while I'm playing, it is fairly useless long term.

Let the BATTLE BEGIN! Good luck to both units, as good competition benifits us all, but if I had to give up one of these units today, the 3DS would be in the garbage(Mario or not) :P !


Very nice :

So, it's been 1 month and 2 days now since PS Vita launched in Australia/New Zealand...

Are your feelings still the same as mine in regards to PS Vita being the best thing since slice bread or to elaborate...Is it, in your mind still the best portable games console ever created?

I ♥ SONY PS Vita

My Pandora still wins out for me because of usability reasons, eg. you can hear what you're playing without the use of an ear trumpet, it has sanely sized face buttons + CMA can go and fuck itself.
I really dislike CMA.
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Sounds like an isolated case or two. I'm not terribly concerned about that, but I'll knock on wood for that. :P

Also, is that one guy suggesting leaving it plugged in for a month, or holding down the power button for 2 minutes being sarcastic, or serious? Had that been suggested to me, I think I would have wrote it off immediately as sarcasm. :mellow:
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Any one have the golf game? I think it is called Everyone's Golf in EU. How is it? i was thinking of picking it up?
It's awesome(Hot shots to us in the USA).

I played it non stop for about a week, and then I hit the difficulty wall. So it's kind of like a good RPG, and if you don't level up enough, you'll get to a point where your character can't compete in the newer courses without better skills(some of wich you need to learn, and others you need to aquire).

I just haven't spent the time to grind out more funds for better gear and golfers, but that has to do with my lack of playing, versus any problems with the actual game. For anyone who has ever played this series in the past, this game won't do anything new for you, but it is very fun and very solid.

This was the best selling launch game in Japan, so it can't be all bad right? It also has pretty good online functionallity(daily tornaments and such), but I haven't tried much. If your interested in getting this game used, be aware that you will need an online code for online usage, unless the code that was included has not been used. Otherwise it cost about $10 bucks in the US to get it off of PSN.

Ok right on sounds like it will be fun, I will get a copy of it and see how it goes. Thx for the feed back!

I'm enjoying my Vita personally, sorry to hear about other customers not having a good go of it but, I don't think the 3DS when subjected to highly edited vita fan boy footage would look much better.
Ok right on sounds like it will be fun, I will get a copy of it and see how it goes. Thx for the feed back!

I'm enjoying my Vita personally, sorry to hear about other customers not having a good go of it but, I don't think the 3DS when subjected to highly edited vita fan boy footage would look much better.

There's a demo on PSN you can download (in the US, anyway). It's pretty fun. :)
Ok right on sounds like it will be fun, I will get a copy of it and see how it goes. Thx for the feed back!

I'm enjoying my Vita personally, sorry to hear about other customers not having a good go of it but, I don't think the 3DS when subjected to highly edited vita fan boy footage would look much better.

There's a demo on PSN you can download (in the US, anyway). It's pretty fun. :)
Yeah, I actually forgot about the demo. I bought it at launch, so I never bothered to download it. It's hot shots, nothing more, nothing less. It is a long running series that always delivers a very high standard.

I had an strange issue with my Vita last night. Like others have reported my unit wouldn't turn on no matter how long I held the power switch. I plugged it in to my laptop and it turned itself on. Now it seems to be working properly though, but it was weird that it happened at the same time it was posted about here.
I'm 32 pages late to this thread, but thought that I would share some on my thoughts on my Vita.

I generally love the hardware. I like the bulk that it has as it suits my hands nicely when compared to my 3DS which I find a bit on the small side. I thought it was a God send when the 3DS 'Circle Pad Pro' got released (purely for the added bulk rather than the glaring lack of foresight!). The games are also pretty impressive to play and look at. I've picked up most of the launch titles and have been having a great time with them.

The OS, while not terrible, has been a bit of a let down... I've had total system crashes, game crashes, mic randomly not working in party chat, network errors etc etc. My friend has had the exact same experience. It's a running joke between us to refer to the Vita as the 'PS Beta'.

The memory card situation is, in a word, DISGUSTING! Not only are they hugely expensive, but also pitiful in size. I generally try to buy physical copies of games, but I buy a LOT of games and a lot still end up being downloads. Only a few weeks in and I have maxed out both a 4GB and 16GB card. There is a heap of content available to download, but I can't work out what Sony want us to do with it all? My 4 year old PS3 has a 1TB HDD in it which is nearly full. I dread to think what my memory card situation will be on my Vita in a couple of years time! Already it is such a pain in the bum transferring files (very slowly) back and forth through the PS3. There is also remembering which nondescript card has which downloaded game on it or save data on it for the physical Vita games etc. Sure I can file manage a bit better, but it's still a real pain. I also have to completely shut down the system when I want to swap the memory card to access another game. I've tried just hot swapping and the system completely froze on me and required the '20 second' power button trick.

All in all, I really like my Vita, but the memory situation is a major gripe.
Any one have the golf game? I think it is called Everyone's Golf in EU. How is it? i was thinking of picking it up?
Hot Shots Golf in US, not a bad game. It's a bit of a grind trying to get stuff, but it's a decent pick-up-and-play game. I prefer Pangya, which is basically the same thing with more focus on characters, but since that's not available HSG is a decent alternative. :)

KK25, I agree with you on the memory cards. Feels like a cash grab by Sony as opposed to an anti-piracy measure, and I don't like it. Not sure if you read what I wrote earlier, but I've actually somehow converted my US saves to my JP account, and I can't switch it back. Since it's on my 32GB card, I'm going to have trouble buying US games for download now. :( I really hope the cards get cheaper, and they figure out a better way to handle the card situations.
lol, PS Beta, I like it~ I might use that one from now on. Cheers, mate. :)

lol, no problem. It sums the Vita up pretty well I think :)

Not sure if you read what I wrote earlier, but I've actually somehow converted my US saves to my JP account, and I can't switch it back. Since it's on my 32GB card, I'm going to have trouble buying US games for download now. :( I really hope the cards get cheaper, and they figure out a better way to handle the card situations.

I run multiple accounts on my PS3 due to the crazy pricing and lack of content on the Australian store. At this stage though I'm just using my primary Aussie account on the Vita. I haven't really looked into setting up another one yet, although I've heard that it can be a pain.

Your situation sounds like a bummer :(
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Yeah, the memory card situation sucks! It was really the only major problem I saw prelaunch, and post launch, it is even a bigger issue for some.

Personally, I never bothered with differant region accounts on my PS3, Xbox, Ect, as I just found it to always be more trouble than it was worth. Now with the Vita, it is beyond difficult, so the thought never even crossed my mind to even try to create a seperate account.

Honestly, with the piracy of the last generation, most of these changes really don't suprise me much. Sony locking up memery cards to an individual unit, developers selling the ability to play online, Nintendo making the 3DS region locked(games and accounts), these are all signs of the changing times. So yeah, it does suck, as I would like to play the Gravity Daze(english) demo from HK, but I guess I'll have to wait, as I really don't want to cause any issues on my Vita.

Well, I'm gonna try and get back on topic by confirming my original score of 8/10 for Tales From Space:Mutant Blobs attack.

This was a really great game, and originally I said the difficulty might have been an issue, but it never got to that point. It was hard in a few areas, especially if your trying for 100%, but never "unit throwing" hard. For price, fun factor, and originallity this game is really top shelf. My only real complaint would be the length, just as it was getting really good, it was OVER, but considering this was a download only title and it was only $8 dollars US, I can't really say the overall length was bad for the price.

If I was going to rate it on a "download" game scale, I might give it a 9/10. It was really very good, and i actually completed it 100%, and I can't remember the last time I did that for any game(full retail or otherwise). I believe this game is availible in all english speaking regions(sorry to any Asian users, as you'll have to use a differant account to gain access), so if any of you guys haven't tried it yet, there are worse games you can buy for the cost, so give it a go if you've got a few extra bucks sitting around.
