Some personal stuff - and prototypes building!

So case will take some more time. But I am sure it will be worth the wait :)
The pyra logo looks cool. I think I will choose the transparent case if it is available in the final version, it looks geeky.
Yes, we already knew the new case company would be reworking the design to improve flow and adding the posts at least, which was always planned to take some time; we just never knew exactly how much.

I'd guess they're still not producing mass production cases yet, otherwise ED would have said, unless he'd not had time to catch up on his emails yet (which is always possible, as we know I guess).

Thanks for the latest update, @EvilDragon. I assume the bit you say will be milky-white in mass production is a plastic part which fits on top of the metal and fills the gaps in it, making the lid a little more water-tight. I couldn't really see that part in the photos.
You said, basically, when everything comes together, its time for Massproduktion, so this means, the Prototyphs, you currently assemple whill also be used to make the last tests??
(German) : "Eins hab ich nie verstanden: sind jetzt die Platinen für die Massenproduktion schon geordert, und wenn du das OK für den Start gibts, werden die nur noch bei GC mit dem ganzen Elektronischen Kleinkram bestückt ??,

I know its not that far anymore, but i think the last few months of waitingtime will be the though
I assume the bit you say will be milky-white in mass production is a plastic part which fits on top of the metal and fills the gaps in it, making the lid a little more water-tight. I couldn't really see that part in the photos.

It is there in last three photos. You can compare 4th image from last ( without plastic part ) with 3rd image from last (with plastic part).
First: my condolences, ED. Sorry about your loss.

And thanks for the updates!
You said, basically, when everything comes together, its time for Massproduktion, so this means, the Prototyphs, you currently assemple whill also be used to make the last tests??

Yep, those are used for the last tests.

(German) : "Eins hab ich nie verstanden: sind jetzt die Platinen für die Massenproduktion schon geordert, und wenn du das OK für den Start gibts, werden die nur noch bei GC mit dem ganzen Elektronischen Kleinkram bestückt ??,

Die Bauteile liegen schon bei GC bereit, die Platinen an sich muss ich noch bestellen. Diese haben eine Lieferzeit von 6 Wochen, ist also überschaubar. Und auch wenn wir bisher keine Fehler mehr gefunden haben - ich möchte zumindest, dass die Prototypen von anderen Leuten noch getestet werden, bevor ich bestelle und dann ist doch noch was.
[doublepost=1552522219,1552521915][/doublepost]Sadly, I couldn't continue to assemble them today - because I had something else to finish:
The design for the copper heat-pipe. I realized when I thought what I still need to assemble the prototypes that I didn't yet send the design to Fatih for mass production. So I finished and rechecked it and sent it to him.

In case you're interested: This is what the final design looks like:

Heatpipe-Back-AdhesiveCopper.jpg Heatpipe-BlackSide.jpg Heatpipe-CopperSide.jpg Heatpipe-Front.jpg

Attached is also the DWG (in mm), in case you want to take a look at it.

As I went to bed at 6:10am (and up again at 10am), I'm going to bed now - and will hopefully continue the assembly tomorrow night :)


In case you're interested: This is what the final design looks like:
Wow, no wonder this takes time. A little bit complex in shape. XD "Keep it simple" didn't work I guess? And will the surface be plain flat or has a structure for more heat disposal?
Overall, I think the Pyra is a little bit over-enginered, with to many custom solutions and non-standard elements that took the development in infinitum. Let's see where this will lead. I'm in hope for future units with more streamlined solutions for a faster and especialy cheaper production.
This one on the left...

Can anyone else visualize that as a fire breathing dragon with a long tail sitting up on his haunches facing left...?

My first thought was "why does that look like a disfigured certain-symbol?"

I have a twisted mind... or maybe it just untwisted a certain twisted symbol? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Isn't it illegal to mention those in Germany? I'd be careful on a German hosted forum. Or am I mistaken?
Although I don't think, it looks like s swastika, I wouldn't know what else you could be talking about. It's not illegal to mention those. How else could you discuss them?
This dosnt look like the mentioned symbol, its looks like a Telivision Dragon..

6 Weeks also after the Prototyphe Orderers find the Board ok,
Well, thats some sort of a Time Estimation, although nobody knows how good they try the Pyra and how long they need for this..

Could be this may be the last 2 months (tm) for me..