Total madness!

I've been a member of this community since before the Pandora was even thought of and if any one deserves praise it's you ED, The rest of us wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the efforts of you and the team.

I was humbled by your refusal to give up on a project you believed in when the Pandora was stumbling from one nightmare to another. To then do it all again with the Pyra is amazing. I'm sorry if I come across as a fanboy (or should that be fan old boy) but I  am.


Agreed. ED is hands down the heart of this community, and for sure the only reason I have personally stuck around to see the Pyra through to the end. There are also many other community members who offer their skills & expertise to the Pyra, as well as the Pandora.

I'm really hoping for the Pyra to be a HUGE success for him and his team, so everyone can actually see some funds for their efforts. Praise and Accolades are great, but don't pay the bills ;)

I've been a member of this community since before the Pandora was even thought of and if any one deserves praise it's you ED, The rest of us wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the efforts of you and the team.

I was humbled by your refusal to give up on a project you believed in when the Pandora was stumbling from one nightmare to another. To then do it all again with the Pyra is amazing. I'm sorry if I come across as a fanboy (or should that be fan old boy) but I  am.


What he said. All of it.
Aaawww, guys, I'm not that special.

Just a normal community member like so many others here as well.

There were many here who never gave up on the Pandora.
Yeah there are lost of guys here in the community, who contribute much, but to have the guts to ask things like: "Hey we are bankrupt unless you double the price" and have a earned the trust to get a "hell yeah" feedback and then eve top it with "Hey lets do the successor" it a different task to me. Thining of the time and money you spend and risk there.

All praise earned i say!

BTW: I got the ~28/27 last preeorder (damnit, I soooo wanted the #42...).  (no I#m not rich or griedy, but my son wants one to, collekting all brithday/chrismast presents as dragonbox vouchers...)

And I'm looking forward to 2016, the year, where I finally can say "I-Phone/Android etc. naah how mainstream and old fashined"  :-))))
And I'm looking forward to 2016, the year, where I finally can say "I-Phone/Android etc. naah how mainstream and old fashined"  :-))))

But aren't physical controls, keyboards, resistive touchscreens, and removable batteries and SD cards "old fashioned"?
And I'm looking forward to 2016, the year, where I finally can say "I-Phone/Android etc. naah how mainstream and old fashined"  :-))))

But aren't physical controls, keyboards, resistive touchscreens, and removable batteries and SD cards "old fashioned"?
Two possible answer 8which could even go together.

A: replace old fashioned with mainstream (and fogive a non native speaker for the wrong word)

B: Touchscreen keyboards, capacitive touchscreens, fixed batteries and onlinestrage are all dead ends and 2we" where right from the beginning ;-)
B: Touchscreen keyboards, capacitive touchscreens, fixed batteries and onlinestrage are all dead ends and 2we" where right from the beginning ;-)

I absolutely hate the first three, and think that the 4. one is difficult to get correct (read - client side encryption + deduplication).
B: Touchscreen keyboards, capacitive touchscreens, fixed batteries and onlinestrage are all dead ends and 2we" where right from the beginning ;-)

I absolutely hate the first three, and think that the 4. one is difficult to get correct (read - client side encryption + deduplication).
I see, we are of the same kind. Additionally with 4. you have to rely on the online availability. So my path at the moment ist to figure out the folowing: Having my necessary data with me (/home some data etc9 on an encryptet storage (SD prefered so far). Most if the time inside my Pyra. Whenever I am at home, the card is in my network acting as my "regular" /home. (weather in the server directly or in my desktop machine is to find out).

It will rsync to the server, when loged in and again when logged out.

My desktop machin might be a novena machin soon and will kinda portable in a aluminium/carbon mini suitcase. If I need data on the road I forgot at home, I'll have a ssh login from outsite to my server (and maybe an IMAP login for mail with offline IMAP sync.

Very rough scetch at the moment, but "my path" without any external dependencies (except some online abbility for mail and ssh)
We have confidence in you. The Pyra is simply going to be the best portable device out there. Who wouldn't want a piece of that cake?

Mmmm, cake. And Pyra. Two of best inventions ever conceived by man. Also, that reminds me. Happy Birthday, Evil Dragon!!